Lil-Twitter Group Project
- A user can log in X
- A user has a profile page X
- A user can post status updates (140 char limit) - new tweets X
- A user can follow other users X
- A user can see a list of their followers X
- A user can see a list of who they are following X
- A user can see a page list all of their tweets X
- A user can see a page that list all their tweets and the tweets of the people they follow X
- A user can see others' profile pages with all their updates X
- A user can retweet others' status updates
- A user sees a styled site
- A user sees a responsively styled site
- A user can link a gravatar image
- Retweet author
- Validations and Password Encryption
- Login - group of 2: Dani and Erica
- Routes/ERBs - group of 2: Teresa and Jerome
- DB Associations/Models/Migrations - group of 2: Majd and Paul
- Schema - Complete
- Testing - Continuous process for the group
Be prepared to give and receive specific, actionable, and kind feedback!
- Update schema to reflect name change - followee id to user id and followers(table name) to relationships - DONE
- Add sign-out page
- Need ERB pages created
- Finish routes and split them into separate route file
- Testing
- Filter through files and merge/change accordingly
- Work on stretch if time permits
Be prepared to give and receive specific, actionable, and kind feedback!