A collection of mathematical function and data structures written in C#.
(c) 2016-2024 Thierry Matthey - MIT license
- Floating point comparison and epsilon
- Conversion radian-degree, date time to seconds
- Analytical solution of linear, quadratic, cubic and quartic polynomial equations
- Numerical general polynomial equation root solver
- General root solver with either bisection or secant method
- First and second order regression with optional weight
- Qudratic root
- Cubic root
- Quartic root
- Fast sin evaluation [-PI/2, -PI/2]
- Normalize angle
- Nomerical stable sin-cos evaluation
- Factorial; ulong (n <= 20) and double
- Fibonacci; ulong (n <= 93), double and Binet
- Greatest common divisor (GDC)
- IsPrime; no cache; ~3s for max long / 10
- Arithmetic mean and variance, optional weighted
- Averageing / mean of angles
- Centered moving averageing, optional weighted
- Convex hull 2D (Jarvis march & Andrew's monotone chain; point reduction algorithm)
- Minimal bounding circle 2D
- Minimal bounding circle on sphere 3D
- Perpendicular (segment / line ) distance (2D & 3D)
- Trajectory Hausdorff Distance (2D & 3D)
- Filter of significant points based on Minimum Description Length Principle (2D & 3D)
- k-d tree search for vector & segment (2D & 3D)
- BoundingBox
- BoundingRect
- Circle2D
- Circle3D
- CubicBezier2D
- CubicBezier3D
- Color
- Polar3D
- Polynomial
- Division by real roots (linear root), and imaginary and conjugated (quadratic root)
- Evaluation of polynomial and its derivative and integral
- Segment2D
- Segment3D
- Sparse array
- Vector2D
- Vector3D
- GpsPoint
- GpsTrack
- Flatten to local 2D; single object and collection
- Smoothing of holes (missing GPS signal, same position) by reducing variance
- Geodesy
- Haversine distance
- GridLookup / NeighbourDistanceCalculator : Finding neighbors of two GPS tracks in O(N)
- Intersection / overlapping (overestimating) of two GPS tracks
- grid / lookup table based - fastest and pretty precise depending on given resolution
- minimal rectangular bounding box
- minimal circle on sphere - slow on 1st call to calculate min circle
- DBScan vector / segment for 2D / 3D
- TraClus (Trajectory Clustering: A Partition-and-Group Framework) for 2D and 3D
- Finding trajectory neighborhoods for 2D and 3D
- GPS segment clustering; finding common segments for locally collocated GPS tracks or globally
- PNG, PPM and PGM bitmap writer
- Simple bitmap
- Line draw - Bresenham and anti-aliasing (Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm)
- Point plot (anti-aliasing)
- Heatmap for arbitrary set of GPS tracks with color schemes
- GPS cluster
- GPS heatmap
- GPS activity
- HR index