Test the conformance of your swagger definition against the official swagger, defined by the official standards body.
- API Test Engine - Static Conformance Test Kit
Clone the GitHub repository
git clone <url>
Open the project directory
cd VFGroup-APITestEngine-StaticCTK/
Ensure NodeJS is installed locally.
Once NodeJS is installed, install the project modules and dependencies
npm i
Ensure Docker is installed locally.
Build the Docker image
docker build . -t vfgroup-apitestengine-staticctk
The SCTK is making use of the official API definitions from different standardisation bodies. Currently the following API definitions are supported by the SCTK:
For the TMForum openAPI a set of extension definitions are created and governent by the API Guild, further described here.
Each set of API definitions are grouped in catalogues definitions which can be found under
Each catalogue definition includes the following key attributes:
- Name - the name of the API Catalogue (e.g. TMF)
- NameRegexp - Regexp expression that can be used by the SCTK on the *.swagger.json file in order to determine the appropriate catalogue (e.g. TMF)
- KeyRegexp - Regexp expression that can be used by the SCTK on the *.swagger.json file in order to identify the API unique key (both catalogues TMF & CSM provide this mechanism)
- url - the homepage of the catalogue; usually is the a version controlled repo homepage
- items - array of the API definitions
For complete description of the catalogue specification see the catalogue schema definition which can be found at /configuration/Catalogue.schema.json
The official TMForum homepage can be found here
The official TMForum openAPI repository used by the SCTK can be found here.
Currently the tool can be run [locally] using NodeJS.
Assuming you have already the project locally.
Run the CLI file comparison command, using 2 parameters: location of the official swagger followed by the location of the edited swagger file
node src/index.js -c location/of/official/swagger.json location/of/edited/swagger.json
Here's an example
The output shows a list of the different rule changes, the green changes are compliant, red changes are non-compliant.
There is also a more detailed response file that is created within the results folder. The location is printed at the end. e.g. results/25-10-2019_TMF646-Appointment-3.0.4.swagger.json_sctk-result.json
Server mode will create a webserver with endpoints to validate files via REST requests.
Run the tool using server mode
npm start
The server should start like this
The server will start and on port 3000 by default.
We will use the Docker image that you have already built.
Takes 2 files as input and compares there fundamental swagger properties.
docker run vfgroup-apitestengine-staticctk node src/index.js -c [Official Swagger] [Modified Swagger]
docker run vfgroup-apitestengine-staticctk node src/index.js -c test/samples/Official-TMF666-AccountManagement-2.1.swagger.json test/samples/TMF666-AccountManagement-2.1.swagger.yaml
The docker CLI file comparison should operate like this:
Provides API endpoints for testing the compliance of a given swagger file. The metadata provided with the file must include the api key, market code.
docker run -p 3000:3000 vfgroup-apitestengine-staticctk node src/index.js -s
The server should operate like this:
Health should always respond with 200 OK
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Status: 200
- Body: OK
Check file will take a swagger file, along with market and an api key and return a status object containing the metadata and compliance results from the test.
- Method:
- Endpoint:
- Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Body:
- Type: form-data
- Values:
Required / Optional | Parameter | Type | Example Value | Default |
Optional | url |
Text |
https://github.tst/blob/master/samples/Market/TEST/TMF620-ProductCatalogManagement-2.2.0.swagger.json | |
Required | key |
Text |
TMF620 | |
Required | market |
Text |
TEST | |
Required | swaggerFile |
File |
samples/market/TEST/TMF620-ProductCatalogManagement-2.2.0.swagger.json |
Optional | generateMarkDown |
Text |
true | false |
Optional | generateAsciiDoc |
Text |
false | false |
- Status: 200
- Body:
Status object
"apiName": "",
"market": "DE",
"conformanceDetails": {
"officialRelease": {},
"suppliedRelease": {
"key": "TMF620",
"title": "TMF620ProductCatalogManagement",
"version": "1.8",
"market": "TEST"
"results": {},
"compliance": 0,
"statusMessage": "Unable to find description within the swagger file",
"sendToGrafana": "no",
"Timestamp": "2019-10-30T15:17:01.793Z",
"executionID": "52ccfc20-fb28-11e9-bd14-19254a4bd1a5"
Run the projects automated tests
npm test
Using Jest Testing Framework. These tests run as use cases to the system. Some file unit testing and other functionality testing on components. The Jest tests will also produce a coverage report.
Should look something like this
We use eslint to enforce coding standards. An eslint check is run on the whole project with the npm test
Integrated into the Jenkins pipeline there is a Basic Regression test suite which runs 8 tests surrounding the validation of variables for a pass, fail and warning sample.
✓ Status code is 200
✓ Contains market
✓ Contains API Name
✓ Contains key
✓ Contains version
✓ Contains conformance response
✓ Contains compliance status message
✓ Check correct compliance result
All tests must pass for the pipeline to build.
Firstly start the server
npm start
Then you can run the postman tests
npm run postmanTests
We use sonarqube for monitoring code coverage
There are defined rules implemented within the SCTK to determine the compliancy score outputted from the tool. These rules consist of standard rules and exception rules.
Swagger-Diff defines rules that performs ONE type of diff checking. In the SCTK these rules are separated in 3 groups categorised as smooth, break and info.
Breaking changes:
- Delete path
- Rename path operationId
- Modify a response item
Smooth changes:
- Add a path
- Add response item
- Add/Update descriptions
Informational changes:
- Edit a description
- Edit a summary
- Add optional field
The standard SCTK rule has the following attributes always reported:
- ruleId - Identifier of the rule, rule friendly name
- Message - Description of the rule, customized for the current situation
- Path - API path where the condition was encountered
- Method - The API Method encountered (GET, POST, etc)
- Param - the parameter. Swagger parameters can have different types (header or query) but they are all parameters.
For example an SCTK exception rule for adding a required header is implemented as shown here:
"ruleId": "add-required-header",
"param": "Authorization",
"exceptionMessage": "[SCTK Rule Exception - #001]"
As per agreement, this rule will be ignored when the compliance score is computed and the rules will be moved under the "infos' section.
"ruleId": "add-required-header",
"message": "[SCTK Rule Exception - as per decision #1];
/resource (get) -
Required header Authorization added",
"path": "/resource",
"method": "get",
"param": "Authorization"
This is the full list of rules implemented in the SCTK thusfar:
{ break: {
'add-required-object-property': require('./break/add-required-object-property.js'),
'add-required-param': require('./break/add-required-param.js'),
'delete-definition': require('./break/delete-definition.js'),
'delete-method': require('./break/delete-method.js'),
'delete-operation-id': require('./break/delete-operation-id.js'),
'delete-path': require('./break/delete-path.js'),
'delete-produce': require('./break/delete-produce.js'),
'delete-response': require('./break/delete-response.js'),
'add-required-header': require('./break/add-required-header.js'),
'edit-array-items-type': require('./break/edit-array-items-type.js'),
'edit-object-property-required': require('./break/edit-object-property-required.js'),
'edit-object-property-type': require('./break/edit-object-property-type.js'),
'edit-operation-id': require('./break/edit-operation-id.js'),
smooth: {
'add-definition': require('./smooth/add-definition.js'),
'add-description': require('./smooth/add-description.js'),
'add-optional-header': require('./smooth/add-optional-header.js'),
'add-method': require('./smooth/add-method.js'),
'add-optional-object-property': require('./smooth/add-optional-object-property.js'),
'add-optional-param': require('./smooth/add-optional-param.js'),
'add-path': require('./smooth/add-path.js'),
'add-response': require('./smooth/add-response.js'),
'delete-object-property': require('./smooth/delete-object-property.js'),
'delete-param': require('./smooth/delete-param.js'),
'delete-definition': require('./break/delete-definition.js'),
'delete-method': require('./break/delete-method.js'),
'delete-operation-id': require('./break/delete-operation-id.js'),
'delete-path': require('./break/delete-path.js'),
'delete-produce': require('./break/delete-produce.js'),
'delete-response': require('./break/delete-response.js'),
'delete-object-property': require('./smooth/delete-object-property.js'),
'delete-param': require('./smooth/delete-param.js')
info: {
'add-api-proxy-version': require('./smooth/add-api-proxy-version.js'),
'edit-base-path': require('./break/edit-base-path.js'),
'edit-host': require('./break/edit-host.js'),
'add-avf-trace-transanction-id': require('./smooth/add-vf-trace-transanction-id.js'),
'edit-host': require('./break/edit-host.js'),
'edit-description': require('./smooth/edit-description.js'),
'edit-summary': require('./smooth/edit-summary.js')
'edit-summary': require('./smooth/edit-summary.js'),
'add-optional-fields-param': require('./smooth/add-optional-fields-param.js'),
'add-optional-offset-param': require('./smooth/add-optional-offset-param.js'),
'add-optional-limit-param': require('./smooth/add-optional-limit-param.js'),
'add-vf-response': require('./smooth/add-vf-response.js'),
'add-x-example': require('./smooth/add-x-example.js'),
The logic for rules is defined in several places.
- Add the new rule in one for the directories under:
- Add the rule invocation to:
A rule can be for Swagger v2.0 or for OAS3 or both. The rule can be a breaking rule, a warning or an info rule. However, the next step actually configures this.
- The rule should also be added to:
VFGroup-APITestEngine-StaticCTK\src\custom\swagger-diff\lib\defaultConfig.json and
Breaking rules are labelled 3, warnings are 2 and infos 1. The selections in this file will override the location of the rule in the steps above.
"rules": {
"add-required-object-property": 3,
"add-required-param": 3,
"add-required-header": 3,
"edit-array-items-type": 3,
"edit-base-path": 3,
"edit-object-property-required": 3,
"edit-object-property-type": 3,
"edit-operation-id": 3,
"edit-param-collection-format": 3,
"edit-param-in": 3,
"edit-param-required": 3,
"edit-param-type": 3,
"edit-response": 3,
- Breaking and warning rules need added to the compliance logic:
Update functions getFailRules and getWarningRules
function getFailRules (openapi) {
function getWarningRules (openapi) {
- Exception rules can prevent a rule being included in the final list of non-compliances. The rule you added should be reviewed to ascertain if exceptions are required. The rules are found at:
VFGroup-APITestEngine-StaticCTK\configuration\exceptionRules.json and
"ruleId": "add-required-header",
"param": "Authorization",
"exceptionMessage": "[SCTK Rule Exception - #001]"
"ruleId": "add-required-header-component-openapi",
"param": "Authorization",
"exceptionMessage": "[SCTK Rule Exception - #3001]"
"ruleId": "add-required-header",
"param": "Content-Type",
"exceptionMessage": "[SCTK Rule Exception - #002]"
- Update the test rulesOAS3.test to add your rule. If your rule is a break or warning you should include a check in the status message at the end of the relevant test case.
Extension mechanism is making use of the Vodafone Github Enterprise as such not public available.
❗ Take note that when developing a project using the tool with branches, there is a character limitation of 20 characters for the branch name, if the name of the branch exceeds this character limitation then the build is likely to fail.
Branch name must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', start with an alphabetic character, and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'my-name', or 'abc-123', regex used for validation is 'a-z?')
- NodeJS - The JavaScript runtime used.
- Docker - The container solution.
- Express - The web framework for NodeJS.
- Jest - The JavaScript Testing Framework
- swagger-parser - Used to validate swagger objects
- swagger-diff - Used to compare 2 swagger files
- jsonDiffPatch - Used to compare the in-depth json differences
- SonarQube - Used for analyzing code coverage
Test code before committing to master with npm test, and npx run newman
We are now in live Beta.
We ensure best practices where we can, as well as matching versions to releases.
v0.1.2 is our standard format.
Please update the release
within the configuration/config.json
before you create a new release within GitHub.
This release is in the result from the API Validation and hence in Grafana.
MIT License. Check the Licence file.
- Working closely with TM Forum. Their official swagger repository is found here
- I would like to thanks the members of Vodafone Consumer Products & Services for all their hard work planning and assisting in making this project. All of your hard effort is much appreciated.
- Thanks to everyone in Vodafone Technology Strategy & Architecture for the support and enthusiasm to help bring this tool and project to life.