This is a proof of concept set tools and Go packages for working with institutional repositories. Initial target is Invenio RDM.
The proof of concept is being developed around RDM's web services (e.g. REST API and OAI-PMH), PostgreSQL database and external metadata services (e.g. CrossRef, DataCite).
Caltech Library is using testing the prototype with continuous content migration, aggregation and metadata analysis.
This tool is for interacting with an Invenio RDM repository.
- get_all_ids uses the OAI-PMH service to harvest all the current record ids in an Invenio RDM instance (very slow due to rate limits)
- get_modified_ids uses the OAI-PMH service with the "from" and "until" attributes to get a list of modified record ids (very slow due to rate limits)
- get_record retrieves a specific RDM record based on the id (quick, uses the RDM REST API)
- query can retrieve a selection of records from the RDM REST API, it is limited to 10K total returned records by RDM/Elasticsearch's configuration
- harvest reads a JSON array of record ids from a file and harvests the RDM records into a dataset v2 collection
configuration is read either from the envinronment or a JSON formated configuration file. See the man page for details.
This tool is migrating content from an EPrints repository via the EPrint REST API. It will retrieve an EPrint XML representation of the EPrint record and transform it into a JSON encded simplified record nearly compatible with Invenio RDM.
- An Invenio RDM deployment
- To building the software and documentation
- git
- Go >= 1.20.1
- Make (e.g. GNU Make)
- Pandoc >= 3
- For harvesting content
- dataset >= 2
This codebase is speculative. It is likely to change and as issues are identified. To install you need to download the source code and compile it. Here's the steps I take to install irdmtools.
git clone [email protected]:caltechlibrary/irdmtools
cd irdmtools
make test
make install