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Running the Project (WIP)

tmpmachine edited this page Sep 22, 2023 · 1 revision

There are two main sub-project: codetmp and cpreview.

If you only need to make changes to the editor, you can open codetmp/index.html directly. But if you need to preview the code, you need to serve both sub project on localhost because they need to be in the same domain to communicate, this is due to service worker sandboxing policy updates by modern browsers.

Editing the .html Files

Codetmp7 project use divless HTML formatting which files resides in .divless folder. Divless HTML works one way in converting .divless.html into .html so you should only edit the .divless.html version of the file (if exists).

You may edit the .html files directly, but it will not be synced to the .divless.html version of the file hence making it useless. for this reason I highly recommend you to install and use DivlessHTML plugin on VSCode for editing the HTML files, though once again, you can still edit the HTML files directly.

Serving the Project using Firebase

npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
firebase serve --only hosting:codetmp
node build
firebase deploy --only hosting:codetmp