Final Robotic Software Engineer Nanodegree Project "Home Service Robot".
This project simulates a robot that picks up a virtual object at a certain position, transports it to the target position and places the object there again.
Moves robot from to pickup zone and publish the DO_PICKUP
action on /my_robot/action_publisher
Moves robot to dropoff zone and public the DO_DROPOFF
action on /my_robot/action_publisher
Subscribes the /my_robot/action_publisher
Views a marker on the pickup zone, hides the marker on DO_PICKUP
and view the marker in the dropoff zone after receiving DO_DROPOFF
With the gmapping_demo.launch file, you can easily perform SLAM and build a map of the environment with a robot equipped with laser range finder sensors or RGB-D cameras.
With the keyboard_teleop.launch file, you can manually control a robot using keyboard commands.
With the view_navigation.launch file, you can load a preconfigured rviz workspace. You’ll save a lot of time by launching this file, because it will automatically load the robot model, trajectories, and map for you.
With the turtlebot_world.launch you can deploy a turtlebot in a gazebo environment by linking the world file to it.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade -y
$ cd /home/workspace/
$ git clone
$ cd /home/workspace/RoboND_P5_Home-Service-Robot/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
There are several ways to start the simulation.
$ cd /home/workspace/RoboND_P5_Home-Service-Robot/catkin_ws
$ ./src/scripts/
$ cd /home/workspace/RoboND_P5_Home-Service-Robot/catkin_ws
$ ./src/scripts/
Pickup and Dropoff Zone location is configured in src/params/parameters.yaml
The Map is in the src/map
RVIZ configuration is in src/rvizConfig/rvizConfig.rviz
$ cd /home/workspace/RoboND_P5_Home-Service-Robot/catkin_ws
$ ./src/scripts/