boilerplate mvp android
Min SDK Version 16
Target SDK Version 25
Check the compileSdkVersion, and buildToolsVersion to be the latest
Build Tools Version 25.0.2
Java 1.7
- Android Support Design
- Realm Database
- Fabric SDK
- Dagger 2
- RxAndroid
- Retrofit 2
- Jackson Converter
- Retrofit 2 RxJava Adapter
- OkHttp 3
- OkHttp 3 - Logging Interceptor
- Parceler
- Glide
Run the following command to build the Development Environment with DEBUG mode
./gradlew assembleDevelopmentDebug
Run the following command to build the Development Environment with RELEASE mode
./gradlew assembleDevelopmentRelease
Run the following command to build the Production Environment with DEBUG mode
./gradlew assembleProductionDebug
Run the following command to build the Production Environment with RELEASE mode
./gradlew assembleProductionRelease
Run the following command to build the Development Environment with DEBUG mode
./gradlew assembleDevelopmenttabletDebug
Run the following command to build the Development Environment with RELEASE mode
./gradlew assembleDevelopmenttabletRelease
Run the following command to build the Production Environment with DEBUG mode
./gradlew assembleProductiontabletDebug
Run the following command to build the Production Environment with RELEASE mode
./gradlew assembleProductiontabletRelease
- Icon -
- Drawable -
- Activity Layout -
- Fragment Layout -
- Dialog Fragment Layout -
- Adapter/List Layout - ```item_<your_item>