The integrid library contains highly versatile integration grid classes for C++. The most important one is the multigrid class. It features the integration of multiple grid regions in order to resolve sharp peaks or steps in the integrand function. Hereby one can choose between equidistant, tangential and logarithmically dense grid regions. Although the number of grid regions is not bounded, there is an inverse mapping useful for fast interpolation purposes. Intersection and overlap of different grid region is possible and will be dealt with by favouring the better resolved grid region.
The original purpose of the multigrid class was to resolve a lot of sharp Lorentz-like peaks in a self-consistent calculation for strongly correlated electron systems.
Get the detailed user's guide here.
The purpose of this section is to give you a brief introduction of how the multigrid class is used in practice. It may suffice for the most applications.
There are two possibilities to incorporate the multigrid class in your program. First, you have to download the latest version of the multigrid class from
and unpack it somewhere.
The recommended way is to install integrid as a shared library. This is done in the following way.
python <installation directory> make make install
The last command copies the library into the installation directory. If you do not have the necessary privileges, you may need to call
sudo make install
instead. This will create a shared library
and install it together with the necessary header file into the given installation directory.
Alternatively, you could copy the files
multigrid.cpp multigrid.h grid.cpp grid.h mesh.cpp mesh.h
into your program directory and then include and link the files in the usual way.
There is an example program main.cpp
and will create an executable example.out
. This is done by make example_lib
for the library installation or by make example
for the direct use. All examples used in this documentation are part of the example program and can be found in main.cpp
The numerical calculation of an integral over some function f(w):
_ / I = / dw f(w) _/
can be written as:
M ____ \ I= > dw(i) f(w(i)) /___ i=0
where the w(i) is the discrete integration grid and dw(i) are the corresponding weights. The integration grid is a mapping from a discrete index i ={0,..,M} to a contineous variable w(i). The multigrid class provides both the integration grid and its weights (which are calculated by the trapez rule) as well as an inverse mapping (back from any w to the nearest index i).
In the following we will show the basic functionallity of the multigrid class by some simple examples. All these examples are more or less all part of the example program main.cpp
. At first we will create a simple equidistant grid from -4 to 4 with a resolution of 0.01 by:
multigrid mgrid; mgrid.add_gr_equi(-4, 4, 0.01); mgrid.create();
After the declaration of the multigrid named mgrid
, the member function add_gr_equi
adds an equidistant grid region to the grid. The grid is created by invoking the create
member function and it is accessed over its member variables.
Name | Type | Description |
M |
Integer | Number of grid points |
omega |
vector | Grid |
domega |
vector | Weights of the grid |
omega_min |
double | Minimum grid value (equal to omega[0] ) |
omega_max |
double | Maximum grid value (equal to omega[M] ) |
inverse |
function returning integer | Inverse mapping: w -> i |
The calculation of the above integral from -4 to 4 is then done by:
double I=0; for (int i=0; i<=mgrid.M; j++) { I += f([i]) * mgrid.domega[i]; }
where the trapez rule is used to calculate the weights domega
To resolve steps or very sharp peaks in the integrand function one needs a lot of integration grid points at specific regions. The multigrid class provides a tool to solve such problems: logarithmically dense grid regions (LGR). An LGR is determined by four variables, i.e.~the center of the grid region omega_0
which corresponds for example to the position of a peak in the integrand function, the half width of the grid region omega_1
, the maximal resolution domega_min
at the center of the grid region and the minimal resolution domega_max
at the edges of the grid region.
Figure: Logarithmically dense grid region to resolve a peaked integrand function
It is created by the function add_gr_log( omega_0, omega_1, domega_max, domega_min)
For example the following code adds a LGR on top of the equidistant grid region from above. Note that since the equidistant grid region was added first, it determines the outer boundaries of the whole grid (here from -4 to 4). The first added grid region is therefore a special one and is called the basic grid region:
mgrid.add_gr_equi(-4, 4, 0.01); mgrid.add_gr_log(0.3, 0.5, 0.001, 0.01); mgrid.create();
The strength of the multigrid is that one can add now more and more grid regions on top of each other. The create
function will take care of calculating intersection points between the grid regions by favoring the better resolved grid region. In the following example there are two intersecting LGR on top of an equidistant grid region:
multigrid mgrid; mgrid.add_gr_equi(-4, 4, 0.01); mgrid.add_gr_log(0.3, 0.5, 0.001, 0.01); mgrid.add_gr_log(0.6, 0.5, 0.001, 0.01); mgrid.create();
These are only the basic features of the multigrid class. There is an algorithm which decides where to cut grid regions if there is intersection or even skip a particular grid region in special cases. The decisive element is the grid resolution exactly at the center of a given grid region omega_0
. This is called the peak point. Hereby it is possible to add hundreds of grid regions on top of each other without losing the resolution at every single peak point. In figure below there is an example for the necessity for multiple LGR in the integration grid. The integrand function has several sharp peaks which has to be resolved. Each peak is resolved by a LGR.
Figure: Multigrid with various logarithmically dense grid regions to resolve a multiple peaked integrand function
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