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v0.14.0 aka ALL FUNCTIONAL

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@tokiclover tokiclover released this 07 Oct 23:41
· 630 commits to master since this release

Well, this was supposed to be a minor (v0.13.8) bug fixes release, it turned out to be quite big (nothing scarry--there are way too many single line or two commits).

Only init service scripts get it right and should be solid as rock. bcache script get a quick clean up/update to get something usable (still need two cmdline argument to be used: ibcache=somthing ihook=bcache).

The real change is in init/functions/README.texttile slight clean up and update with a slight improved api like for idebug, imodule transformation into ihook, arg() usage limitation in favor of set-ting positional parameters, zfs related hooks, zram hook re-write following almost a zram.initd re-write. Well, quite a big change, hence the long commit list.

Everything should (really) just works! (That's what I've said in the previous release note and whenever new changes get in... some breakage appears. The real annoying breakage was in CONFIDIR broken string introduced the 0.13.x series which could lead to unbootable system.)