A light-weight and mobile-first app that gathers the intention to play basketball on weekends.
- One-click on names to register/unregister.
- Automatic refresh the date (every Saturday). The cutoff time is Saturday midnight ET.
- Persistent user information. Only needs to add once, and the users will be carried over to next week.
- Flask - Python web development framework: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/
- Bulma - CSS framework: https://bulma.io
|- basketball_reg.py (Main entrance that drives all the logic)
|- templates (folder for all the front-end templates)
|- index.html (Main front-end page)
|- error.html (Error page)
|- db_schema.sql (SQLite3 schema file to recover/rebuild the database)
- Pythonanywhere (free): http://pythonanywhere.com
- Ubuntu: https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/flask-and-gunicorn-on-ubuntu/