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Smart Meter Data Collector

License: GPL-2.0-only Pull Requests Welcome Contributions Welcome
Python Code Checks PyPI - Python Version

The smartmeter-datacollector tool is a Python3 software which allows you to continuously retrieve data from supported smart meters (listed below). The acquired values can be forwarded to one or more data sinks like a MQTT broker or logger.

The following smart meters are supported:

  • Landis+Gyr E450:
    Data pushed by smart meter over CII interface (wired M-Bus). Encoded with HDLC and DLMS/COSEM.
    • Unencrypted data
    • Encrypted data

The following data sinks are implemented:

  • MQTT (v3.1.1):
    • Encryption
      • Unencrypted connection
      • Encrypted connection
        • TLS
        • optional custom CA certificate
    • Authentication
      • Unauthenticated
      • Authenticated with username / password
      • Authenticated with client certificate
  • Logger to STDOUT

smartmeter-datacollector is fully configurable through a .ini configuration file. The smartmeter-datacollector-configurator webinterface can help to create and modify the configuration.

How to install

There are different methods how to use smartmeter-datacollector.

  1. Raspberry Pi image with demo
  2. Python package
  3. Debian package

Method 1: Raspberry Pi image with demo

For a very easy first time usage of smartmeter-datacollector we provide a Raspberry Pi image (based on Raspberry Pi OS) which contains the following parts:

  • smartmeter-datacollector as a systemd service
  • smartmeter-datacollector-configurator webinterface
  • demo
    • mosquiotto as a local MQTT broker to publish the measurements from smartmeter-datacollector
    • Telegraf to collect measurements published by smartmeter-datacollector over MQTT and store them in InfluxDB
    • InfluxDB to store the measurements
    • Grafana to visualize the measurements

This setup allows a (first time) user to install the image on a Raspberry Pi and immediately get started with smartmeter-datacollector. The following steps are required:

  1. Download the Raspberry Pi image from the latest release.
  2. Install the image on a (micro)SD card, e.g. using Raspberry Pi Imager.
  3. Prepare the Raspberry Pi.
    1. Push the (micro)SD card into the proper slot.
    2. Use an RJ-45 cable (or configure WiFi later) to connect to a network.
    3. Connect the power cable to the Micro USB port.
  4. Open the smartmeter-datacollector-configurator webinterface using http://<Raspberry Pi IP>:8000/ in your favorite browser.
    1. Load the pre-defined configuration.
    2. Adjust the settings of the connected smart meter.
    3. Deploy the adjusted configuration.
    4. Restart the smartmeter-datacollector service.
  5. Open Grafana using http://<Raspberry Pi IP>:3000/ in your favorite browser.
  6. Observe the measurements from your smart meter while they arrive periodically.

See Wiki/Demo for more details on the provided Raspberry Pi image with the demo.

Method 2: Python package

smartmeter-datacollector can be installed as a Python3 package either from PyPi or manually using a released wheel.

The Python3 package does not contain any infrastructure to run smartmeter-datacollector in the background or to automatically start it during a boot sequence. If such infrastructure is required either see Method 3: Debian package or provide it yourself.

Python Requirements

  • Python >= 3.7 (tested with 3.8)


Install the package either as global Python package or in a virtualenv with

python3 -m pip install smartmeter-datacollector

Similarly the smartmeter-datacollector-configurator webinterface can be installed with

python3 -m pip install smartmeter-datacollector-configurator

Method 3: Debian package

smartmeter-datacollector is also available as a Debian (.deb) package from the releases which installs it system wide. The Debian package includes a systemd service file which enables smartmeter-datacollector to automatically start after booting the system.

Debian Requirements

  • Distribution
    • Debian
  • Release
    • Buster
  • CPU architecture
    • amd64
    • armhf


Download the Debian package from releases and install it with

sudo apt install ./python3-smartmeter-datacollector_*.deb

Similarly the smartmeter-datacollector-configurator webinterface can be installed with a Debian package from its releases with

sudo apt install ./python3-smartmeter-datacollector-configurator_*.deb

How to use

The usage of smartmeter-datacollector depends on the installation method. Independent of the installation method a .ini configuration file is required to properly run smartmeter-datacollector.



The .ini configuration file supports the following format

# type of the connected smart meter
type = lge450
# serial port to which the smart meter is connected
port = /dev/ttyUSB0
# optional encryption key
key = 

# type of the sink
type = mqtt
# host / IP address of the MQTT broker
host = localhost
# port of the MQTT broker
port = 1883
# whether to use TLS (Transport Layer Security)
tls = False
# optional path to the CA certificate used to validate the MQTT broker's certificate
ca_file_path = 
# whether to check the hostname of the MQTT broker against the certificate
check_hostname = False
# optional username for authentication with the MQTT broker
username = 
# optional password for authentication with the MQTT broker
password = 
# optional path to the client certificate for authentication with the MQTT broker
client_cert_path = 
# optional path to the private key for the client certificate for authentication with the MQTT broker
client_key_path = 

# type of the sink
type = logger
# name of the logger
name = DataLogger

# log level configuration: DEBUG / INFO / WARNING / ERROR
default = WARNING
smartmeter = WARNING
collector = WARNING
sink = WARNING

There can be multiple [readerX] and [sinkY] sections for every connected smart meter and / or data sink.

See Wiki/Configuration for more details on the available configuration options.


To simplify the process of generating a valid .ini configuration for smartmeter-datacollector the companion smartmeter-datacollector-configurator webinterface can be used. It supports

  • a graphical approach to manage the configuration
  • input validation to avoid invalid configurations
  • loading / saving / discarding a configuration
  • restarting smartmeter-datacollector (only if installed as a Debian package)

See Wiki/smartmeter-datacollector-configurator for more details on the webinterface and the configuration possibilities.

Run manually

Run smartmeter-datacollector with the following command:

smartmeter-datacollector --config datacollector.ini

The following command line arguments are supported:

  • -h, --help: Shows the help output of smartmeter-datacollector.
  • -c, --config CONFIG: Path to the .ini configuration file.
  • -s,--saveconfig: Cteate a default .ini configuration file.
  • -d, --dev: Enable development mode.


The configuration file can be located anywhere and use any filename. If no .ini configuration file is specified a default configuration with the following options is used:

  • Landys+Gir E450 smart meter in unencrypted mode connected to /dev/ttyUSB0
  • LOGGER sink
  • MQTT sink connected to a local broker without encryption or authentication

Run as a systemd service

When smartmeter-datacollector has been installed as a Debian package it provides a systemd .service file named python3-smartmeter-datacollector.service. Therefore the service can be managed using the systemctl command:

sudo systemctl start|stop|restart python3-smartmeter-datacollector

Enabling or disabling the service can also be managed using the systemctl command:

sudo systemctl enable|disable python3-smartmeter-datacollector

Inspecting the log messages can be done using the journalctl command:

journalctl -u python3-smartmeter-datacollector [-f]


The systemd service expectes the .ini configuration to be located at /var/lib/smartmeter-datacollector/datacollector.ini. This is also the default location used by the smartmeter-datacollector-configurator webinterface to load and save the managed configuration.

How to develop

Help from the community for the smartmeter-datacollector project is always welcome. Please follow the next few chapters to setup a working development environment.

Development Requirements

  • Python >= 3.7
  • pipenv
  • Optional software packages (Debian / Ubuntu)
    • python3-all
    • debhelper
    • dh-python
    • dh-systemd


Debian / Ubuntu

To install the listed minimal requirements run the following command:

sudo apt install git python3 pipenv

To install the optional requirements also run the following command:

sudo apt install python3-all debhelper dh-python dh-systemd

Checkout the code

Use git to clone / checkout smartmeter-datacollector from GitHub using

git clone

Setup Development Environment

smartmeter-datacollector uses pipenv to manage its dependencies and setup a virtual environment. Run the following command to setup the initial development environment:

pipenv install --dev

This will install all runtime and development dependencies for smartmeter-datacollector in a new virtual environment. Now you are ready to start working on smartmeter-datacollector.

Custom Commands / Workflows

smartmeter-datacollector offers a few custom pipenv run commands to simplify certain development workflows:

  • format_check checks if the code follows the autopep8 code formatting rules.
  • format automatically adjusts the code to follow the autopep8 code formatting rules.
  • isort_check checks if the order of the import statements is correct using isort.
  • isort automatically re-orders the import statements using isort.
  • lint_check checks if the code follows the pylint rules defined in pyproject.toml.
  • lint automatically adjust the code to follow the pylint rules defined in pyproject.toml.
  • license makes sure every Python (*.py) file contains the proper license header.
  • build builds a Python package which can be uploaded to PyPI using twine.
  • build_check uses twine to check if the built Python package will be accepted by PiPI.
  • setup_check checks whether the dependencies defined in Pipfile / Pipfile.lock are in sync with
  • setup synchronizes the dependencies defined in Pipfile / Pipfile.lock with
  • debianize creates a debian/ directory used to build Debian source / binary packages.
  • build_srcdeb builds a Debian source package which can be used to build a Debian (binary) package for any platform (e.g. using pbuilder)
  • build_deb builds a Debian package for the current development plattform.

Make sure to run format_check / format, isort_check / isort, lint_check / lint, license, setup_check / setup before commiting changes to the repository to avoid unnecessary development cycles. smartmeter-datacollector uses GitHub Actions to check if these rules apply.


Smart Meter Data Collector







No packages published


  • Python 90.5%
  • Shell 9.5%