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Reporter Contract (Reporter.sol)

View Source: contracts/core/governance/Reporter.sol

↗ Extends: IReporter, Witness ↘ Derived Contracts: Governance


This contract allows any NPM tokenholder to report a new incident or dispute a previously recorded incident.

When a cover pool is reporting, additional tokenholders may join in to reach a resolution. The First Reporter is the user who initially submits an incident, while Candidate Reporter is the user who challenges the submitted report.

Valid reporter is one of the aforementioned who receives a favourable decision when resolution is achieved.


Please carefully check the cover rules, cover exclusions, and standard exclusion in detail before you interact with the Governace contract(s). You entire stake will be forfeited if resolution does not go in your favor. You will be able to unstake and receive back your NPM only if:

  • incident resolution is in your favor
  • after reporting period ends

    By using this contract directly via a smart contract call, through an explorer service such as Etherscan, using an SDK and/or API, or in any other way, you are completely aware, fully understand, and accept the risk that you may lose all of your stake.



Stake NPM tokens to file an incident report. Check the [getFirstReportingStake(coverKey) method](#getfirstreportingstake) to get the minimum amount required to report this cover.

For more info, check out the documentation

If you obtain a favourable resolution, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • A proportional commission in NPM tokens on all rewards earned by qualified camp voters (see Unstakable.unstakeWithClaim).
  • A proportional commission on the protocol earnings of all stablecoin claim payouts.
  • Your share of the 60 percent pool of invalid camp participants.
function report(bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey, string info, uint256 stake) external nonpayable nonReentrant 


Name Type Description
coverKey bytes32 Enter the cover key you are reporting
productKey bytes32 Enter the product key you are reporting
info string Enter IPFS hash of the incident in the following format:
incidentTitle: 'Animated Brands Exploit, August 2024',
observed: 1723484937,
proofOfIncident: '',
description: 'In a recent exploit, attackers were able to drain 50M USDC from Animated Brands lending vaults',
stake uint256 Enter the amount you would like to stake to submit this report
Source Code
function report(
    bytes32 coverKey,
    bytes32 productKey,
    string calldata info,
    uint256 stake
  ) external override nonReentrant {
    s.mustBeSupportedProductOrEmpty(coverKey, productKey);

    s.mustHaveNormalProductStatus(coverKey, productKey);

    uint256 incidentDate = block.timestamp; // solhint-disable-line
    require(stake > 0, "Stake insufficient");
    require(stake >= s.getMinReportingStakeInternal(coverKey), "Stake insufficient");

    s.setUintByKeys(ProtoUtilV1.NS_GOVERNANCE_REPORTING_INCIDENT_DATE, coverKey, productKey, incidentDate);

    // Set the Resolution Timestamp
    uint256 resolutionDate = block.timestamp + s.getReportingPeriodInternal(coverKey); // solhint-disable-line
    s.setUintByKeys(ProtoUtilV1.NS_GOVERNANCE_RESOLUTION_TS, coverKey, productKey, resolutionDate);

    // Update the values
    s.addAttestationInternal(coverKey, productKey, msg.sender, incidentDate, stake);

    // Transfer the stake to the resolution contract
    s.npmToken().ensureTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(s.getResolutionContract()), stake);

    emit Reported(coverKey, productKey, msg.sender, incidentDate, info, stake, resolutionDate);
    emit Attested(coverKey, productKey, msg.sender, incidentDate, stake);


If you believe that a reported incident is wrong, you can stake NPM tokens to dispute an incident report. Check the [getFirstReportingStake(coverKey) method](#getfirstreportingstake) to get the minimum amount required to report this cover.

Rewards: If you get resolution in your favor, you will receive these rewards:

  • A 10% commission on all reward received by valid camp voters (check Unstakeable.unstakeWithClaim) in NPM tokens.
  • Your proportional share of the 60% pool of the invalid camp.
function dispute(bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey, uint256 incidentDate, string info, uint256 stake) external nonpayable nonReentrant 


Name Type Description
coverKey bytes32 Enter the cover key you are reporting
productKey bytes32 Enter the product key you are reporting
incidentDate uint256
info string Enter IPFS hash of the incident in the following format: { incidentTitle: 'Wrong Incident Reporting', observed: 1723484937, proofOfIncident: '', description: 'Animated Brands emphasised in its most recent tweet that the report regarding their purported hack was false.', }
stake uint256 Enter the amount you would like to stake to submit this dispute
Source Code
function dispute(
    bytes32 coverKey,
    bytes32 productKey,
    uint256 incidentDate,
    string calldata info,
    uint256 stake
  ) external override nonReentrant {
    s.mustBeSupportedProductOrEmpty(coverKey, productKey);
    s.mustNotHaveDispute(coverKey, productKey);
    s.mustBeReporting(coverKey, productKey);
    s.mustBeValidIncidentDate(coverKey, productKey, incidentDate);
    s.mustBeDuringReportingPeriod(coverKey, productKey);

    require(stake > 0, "Stake insufficient");
    require(stake >= s.getMinReportingStakeInternal(coverKey), "Stake insufficient");

    s.addRefutationInternal(coverKey, productKey, msg.sender, incidentDate, stake);

    // Transfer the stake to the resolution contract
    s.npmToken().ensureTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(s.getResolutionContract()), stake);

    emit Disputed(coverKey, productKey, msg.sender, incidentDate, info, stake);
    emit Refuted(coverKey, productKey, msg.sender, incidentDate, stake);


Allows a cover manager set first reporting (minimum) stake of a given cover.

function setFirstReportingStake(bytes32 coverKey, uint256 value) external nonpayable nonReentrant 


Name Type Description
coverKey bytes32 Provide a coverKey or leave it empty. If empty, the stake is set as fallback value. Covers that do not have customized first reporting stake will infer to the fallback value.
value uint256 Enter the first reporting stake in NPM units
Source Code
function setFirstReportingStake(bytes32 coverKey, uint256 value) external override nonReentrant {
    require(value > 0, "Please specify value");

    uint256 previous = getFirstReportingStake(coverKey);

    if (coverKey > 0) {
      s.setUintByKeys(ProtoUtilV1.NS_GOVERNANCE_REPORTING_MIN_FIRST_STAKE, coverKey, value);
    } else {
      s.setUintByKey(ProtoUtilV1.NS_GOVERNANCE_REPORTING_MIN_FIRST_STAKE, value);

    emit FirstReportingStakeSet(coverKey, previous, value);


Returns the minimum amount of NPM tokens required to report or dispute a cover. Warning: this function does not validate the cover key supplied.

function getFirstReportingStake(bytes32 coverKey) public view


Name Type Description
coverKey bytes32 Specify the cover you want to get the minimum stake required value of.
Source Code
function getFirstReportingStake(bytes32 coverKey) public view override returns (uint256) {
    return s.getMinReportingStakeInternal(coverKey);


Allows a cover manager set burn rate of the NPM tokens of the invalid camp. The protocol forfeits all stakes of invalid camp voters. During unstakeWithClaim, NPM tokens get proportionately burned as configured here.

The unclaimed and thus unburned NPM stakes will be manually pulled and burned on a periodic but not-so-frequent basis.

function setReportingBurnRate(uint256 value) external nonpayable nonReentrant 


Name Type Description
value uint256 Enter the burn rate in percentage value (Check ProtoUtilV1.MULTIPLIER for division)
Source Code
function setReportingBurnRate(uint256 value) external override nonReentrant {
    require(value > 0, "Please specify value");


    uint256 previous = s.getUintByKey(ProtoUtilV1.NS_GOVERNANCE_REPORTING_BURN_RATE);
    s.setUintByKey(ProtoUtilV1.NS_GOVERNANCE_REPORTING_BURN_RATE, value);

    emit ReportingBurnRateSet(previous, value);


Allows a cover manager set reporter comission of the NPM tokens from the invalid camp. The protocol forfeits all stakes of invalid camp voters. During unstakeWithClaim, NPM tokens get proportionately transferred to the valid reporter as configured here.

The unclaimed and thus unrewarded NPM stakes will be manually pulled and burned on a periodic but not-so-frequent basis.

function setReporterCommission(uint256 value) external nonpayable nonReentrant 


Name Type Description
value uint256 Enter the valid reporter comission in percentage value (Check ProtoUtilV1.MULTIPLIER for division)
Source Code
function setReporterCommission(uint256 value) external override nonReentrant {
    require(value > 0, "Please specify value");

    uint256 previous = s.getUintByKey(ProtoUtilV1.NS_GOVERNANCE_REPORTER_COMMISSION);
    s.setUintByKey(ProtoUtilV1.NS_GOVERNANCE_REPORTER_COMMISSION, value);

    emit ReporterCommissionSet(previous, value);


Gets the latest incident date of a given cover product Warning: this function does not validate the cover and product key supplied.

function getActiveIncidentDate(bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey) external view


Name Type Description
coverKey bytes32 Enter the cover key you want to get the incident of
productKey bytes32 Enter the product key you want to get the incident of
Source Code
function getActiveIncidentDate(bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey) external view override returns (uint256) {
    return s.getActiveIncidentDateInternal(coverKey, productKey);


Gets the reporter of a cover by its incident date Warning: this function does not validate the input arguments.

function getReporter(bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey, uint256 incidentDate) external view


Name Type Description
coverKey bytes32 Enter the cover key you would like to get the reporter of
productKey bytes32 Enter the product key you would like to get the reporter of
incidentDate uint256
Source Code
function getReporter(
    bytes32 coverKey,
    bytes32 productKey,
    uint256 incidentDate
  ) external view override returns (address) {
    return s.getReporterInternal(coverKey, productKey, incidentDate);


Retuns the resolution date of a given cover Warning: this function does not validate the input arguments.

function getResolutionTimestamp(bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey) external view


Name Type Description
coverKey bytes32 Enter the cover key to get the resolution date of
productKey bytes32 Enter the product key to get the resolution date of
Source Code
function getResolutionTimestamp(bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey) external view override returns (uint256) {
    return s.getResolutionTimestampInternal(coverKey, productKey);


Gets an account's attestation details. Please also check getRefutation since an account can submit both attestations and refutations if they wish to. Warning: this function does not validate the input arguments.

function getAttestation(bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey, address who, uint256 incidentDate) external view
returns(myStake uint256, totalStake uint256)


Name Type Description
coverKey bytes32 Enter the cover key you want to get attestation of
productKey bytes32 Enter the product key you want to get attestation of
who address Enter the account you want to get attestation of
incidentDate uint256
Source Code
function getAttestation(
    bytes32 coverKey,
    bytes32 productKey,
    address who,
    uint256 incidentDate
  ) external view override returns (uint256 myStake, uint256 totalStake) {
    return s.getAttestationInternal(coverKey, productKey, who, incidentDate);


Gets an account's refutation details. Please also check getAttestation since an account can submit both attestations and refutations if they wish to. Warning: this function does not validate the input arguments.

function getRefutation(bytes32 coverKey, bytes32 productKey, address who, uint256 incidentDate) external view
returns(myStake uint256, totalStake uint256)


Name Type Description
coverKey bytes32 Enter the cover key you want to get refutation of
productKey bytes32 Enter the product key you want to get refutation of
who address Enter the account you want to get refutation of
incidentDate uint256
Source Code
function getRefutation(
    bytes32 coverKey,
    bytes32 productKey,
    address who,
    uint256 incidentDate
  ) external view override returns (uint256 myStake, uint256 totalStake) {
    return s.getRefutationInternal(coverKey, productKey, who, incidentDate);
