This Terraform module provisions an VPC, ECS and ALB and related AWS resources for deploying the Toomio backend application.
This module sets up the following AWS resources:
- IAM Roles and Policies
- VPC and Subnets
- ECS Cluster
- ECS Task Definition
- ECS Service
- Application Load Balancer
- Security Groups
- CloudWatch Log Group
- S3 Bucket
- DynamoDB Table
The module is designed to deploy a containerized backend application on AWS ECS using Fargate launch type.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
backend_app_image |
Backend Docker image | string |
Yes |
acm_arn |
ACM ARN for HTTPS listener | string |
Yes |
Name | Description |
alb_url |
Application Load Balancer URL |
- The module uses an S3 backend for storing Terraform state.
- The ECS task is configured to use Fargate.
- The module creates a CloudWatch log group for the ECS task with a 14-day retention period.
- The VPC is created with public subnets in three availability zones in the us-east-1 region.
- The ALB security group allows inbound traffic on ports 80 and 443 from anywhere.