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demonstration of trackConnection in NonRegisteringDriver, causing memory issue

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Demonstration (org.greencheek.trackconnection.MainSimpleConnection), that simply connects to a MySQL database and performs a select count(*) from items; on the database.

When a connection is created, the connection is registered with the NonRegisteringDriver so that the connection can be tracked and monitoring, in case the Connection is abandoned by the client application without it calling "close" on that Connection.

The NonRegisteringDriver uses PhantomReferences to track com.mysql.jdbc.Connection instances, in kind of similar way to that described here: The com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionPhantomReference keeps hold of a com.mysql.jdbc.NetworkResources object that is generated from the Connection instance.

When the last Strong reference to the Connection instance is nulled out, the jvm queue's the Connection on the reference queue that is monitored by the NonRegisteringDriver.refQueue, within the com.mysql.jdbc.AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread thread.

This cleanup Thread calls cleanup on the ConnectionPhantomReference, which in turn calls forceClose on the com.mysql.jdbc.NetworkResources object to close the input and output streams that are associated with the connection.

The whole point of the above process is to make sure if a client application abandons a mysql connection without closing the resources (Input/Output streams) associated with that connection, then the clean up thread will close those resources as a safety mechanism.

However, when 'useCompression=true' is enabled, the trackConnection that is part of the com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver; causes a Memory Leak; as it causes the Connection objects JDBC4Connection (ConnectionImpl) to be held onto due to a strong reference within the ConnectionPhantomReference.

What appears to be the issue is that the 'CompressionInputStream', has a reference to the same ConnectionImpl, for which the ConnectionPhantomReference is waiting to be queue on the ReferenceQueue saying it is eligible for garbage collection. The ConnectionPhantomReference has a strong reference to the CompressionInputStream, via the com.mysql.jdbc.NetworkResources object it references. The ConnectionPhantomReference is strongly held by the static ConcurrentHashMap in the NonRegisteringDriver. The result is that ConnectionPhantomReference effectively has a strong reference to the JDBC4Connection object it is meant to be waiting for being GC'd; and is keeping the JDBC4Connection instance alive, and therefore not eligible for garbage collection:

(waiting for GC eligibility)
 |-------------------------- ConnectionPhantomReference
 |                                       |
 |                                       |
 |                                       V
 |                                NetworkResources
 |                                       |
 |                                       |
 V                                       V
ConnectionImpl ------------------>  io (MysqlIO) -> inputStream (CompressedInputStream) -|
 ^                                                                                       |


There is the class: org.greencheek.trackconnection.MainSimpleConnection (running with the hotspot options: -Xmx100m -Xms100m), that will simply connect to a database via the url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testingconn?useCompression=true" and perform a select count(*).

select /* a very large string so that we can see that compression is still enabled on the driver and that all things are equal with the WeakReference added to the CompressedInputStream */ count(*) from items"

It will execute the select count(*) several times, releasing the connection after each select. After 100 selects, it does a simple allocation of some junk, to each up heap space, forcing GC to occur. By forcing a gc this way Objects that are elligible for GC will be garbage, collected and PhantomReferences will be enqueued on reference queue's for pre-cleanup operations.

At the end of the junk creation, it uses reflection to obtain the a reference to the map "connectionPhantomRefs" in the com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver, and check the size of the map.

with "useCompression=true" the class will run out of memory, and the size of the map of ConnectionPhantomReference will grow. With "useCompression=false", this will not occur


To run org.greencheek.trackconnection.MainSimpleConnection, you need the following db

CREATE DATABASE testingconn CHARACTER SET utf8; use testingconn; CREATE TABLE items ( item varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB; insert into items values ('blah');

Screenshots of the Problem

The Heap Growth as seen by VisualVM:

![HeapGrowth](./Screen Shot 2013-05-12 at 16.32.39.png)

The class holding onto the ram, as shown by Eclipse MAT

![NonRegisteringDriver Mat](./Screen Shot 2013-05-12 at 16.53.49.png)

The number of Connections, and the NetworkResources classes as shown by Eclipse MAT ![Number of objects in memory](./Screen Shot 2013-05-12 at 16.55.07.png)

Source of the Issue ![Source of the Issue](./Screen Shot 2013-05-12 at 16.55.34.png)

The Apparent Source of the Problem

What appears to be the issue is that the 'CompressionInputStream', has a reference to the same ConnectionImpl, for which the ConnectionPhantomReference is waiting to be queue on the ReferenceQueue saying it is eligible for garbage collection. The ConnectionPhantomReference has a strong reference to the CompressionInputStream, via the com.mysql.jdbc.NetworkResources object it references. The ConnectionPhantomReference is strongly held by the static ConcurrentHashMap in the NonRegisteringDriver. The result is that ConnectionPhantomReference effectively has a strong reference to the JDBC4Connection object it is meant to be waiting for being GC'd; and is keeping the JDBC4Connection instance alive, and therefore not eligible for garbage collection.

In a rough pictorial form, this look something like the following

(waiting for GC eligibility)
 |-------------------------- ConnectionPhantomReference
 |                                       |
 |                                       |
 |                                       V
 |                                NetworkResources
 |                                       |
 |                                       |
 V                                       V
ConnectionImpl ------------------>  io (MysqlIO) -> inputStream (CompressedInputStream) -|
 ^                                                                                       |

With the normal com.mysql.jdbc.util.ReadAheadInputStream, you don't have the back reference to the JDBC4Connection. As a result the JDBC4Connection object is eligible for GC when the client application releases it's strong reference to the object:

(waiting for GC eligibility)
 |-------------------------- ConnectionPhantomReference
 |                                       |
 |                                       |
 |                                       V
 |                                NetworkResources
 |                                       |
 |                                       |
 V                                       V
ConnectionImpl ------------------>  io (MysqlIO) -> inputStream (ReadAheadInputStream)

Potential solution

The Potential solution to the issue is to have a WeakReference in the CompressedInputStream. The "connection" reference isn't used in the "close" method of the InputStream.

/** The connection that is using us (used to read config values) */
	private WeakReference<Connection> connection;
	 * @see
	public void close() throws IOException {;
		this.buffer = null;
		this.inflater = null;

I've included a version of the "com.mysql.jdbc.CompressedInputStream" in "org.greencheek.trackconnection", that contains the changes to use a WeakReference. The source is taken from 5.1.25 version of the mysql connector/j source code.

I have installed this locally in a patch jar on my local development environment, and the leak no longer occurs against the test class. I have verified that compression of the query is still enable by viewing the network traffic with ngrep on my local machine:

sudo ngrep -d lo0 -q -W byline port 3306

T -> [AP]
.......x.-.;[email protected]#q.)!M.AE.....d.~...qK..

T -> [AP]

I have not run this against the entire test suite of the connector/j or run the patch in any live or test environment. Therefore, it may not be the correct way to tackle the issue. Hopefully, I'll be able to look into this type of testing soon.

Versions affected.

The above issue of retention of connections with useCompression=true I have seen in a several versions of the mysql driver: 5.1.23, 5.1.24, and the latest 5.1.25.

The above issue can also affect you even if you are using a Connection Pooling via dbcp, tomcat, bone cp; and are using the replication driver or the load balancing driver with useCompression=true.

The reason this issue can affect you even when using a Connection Pool is that is the mysql server can time out your client connection. Your client connection in the Connection Pool can time out due to the client connection being idle for longer than "wait_timeout" (not used), then your connection pool (if you have connection validation enabled), will discard the failed connection, and create a new connection under the hood for you. As a result the NonRegisteringDriver, will slowly keep onto more and more JDBC4Connection objects, and you'll slowly have a memory leak. Depending upon the number of connections in your pool, the number of connection configured in your load balanced connection url; the quicker the leak will occur.


demonstration of trackConnection in NonRegisteringDriver, causing memory issue






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