I wanted a nice and clean installation for my Nitrous Oxide System in my car. My installation has the following components:
- Main kit
- Bottle heater
- Purge
- NOS pressure sensor and gauge
- Fuel pressure sensor and gauge
- Oil pressure sensor and gauge
- Oil temperature sensor and gauge
Each components comes with wires and switches, so at the end of the day you end-up with a cockpit full of holes and different looking switches all over the place.
My goal for this project was to have all the system controls and gauges at the same place, under the original ashtray cover. I wanted also something that was easily serviceable. For example if I need to remove a sensor, I should be as easy as any other factory components.
There is two 3D printed components, one for the main control board and the other one for the head unit, in place of the ashtray. The parts were printed in ASA since it can support high and freezing temperature without deforming.