QR code app for users to leave reviews at restaurants and SMBs. Has both a consumer side and business side. Consumer side is for customers to give th reviews. Business side is for store owners to collect and monitor reviews on a dashboard.
npm init
npm install --save firebase
to install firebase to the web app
firebase login
to login to the firebase project
firebase serve
to test your dev instance locally at http://localhost:5000/
firebase deploy
to deploy app to firebase server at https://spot-f43fe.firebaseapp.com/ or "https://feedback-9ac15.firebaseio.com"
npm run build && firebase serve
to compile react files into src and public files into build and then serve to view changes
npm install
to install node modules
npm start
to run on localhost
QR Code: https://davidshimjs.github.io/qrcodejs/
Development halted due to COVID-19. Feel free to use code for any commerical purposes. If you have any questions please email me at [email protected]