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TQ-Systems ARM modules example workspace for Yocto Project build setup



This repo contains setup, configuration and dependencies use to build and test the meta-tq hardware support layer. All Yocto Project / Open Embedded layers the build depends on, are included as git submodules, to allow reproducible builds.

Clone this repo using git clone --branch=<branch-name> --recurse-submodules <url>

License information

This repo contains scripts released under the GPLv2, see the file COPYING

This repo allows you to setup a workspace / buildspace for poky / the Yocto Project combining several recipe collections (meta layers). When using this repo to build software, you need to understand and accept all licenses of the software beeing built. You are responsible to fulfil all obligations by these licenses.

Supported branches of meta-tq

This project supports the following branches of meta-tq. Unmentioned branches are not supported.

  • dunfell (only for RZG2 based machines, no longer maintained for all others)
  • kirkstone (bugfixing only)
  • scarthgap (current actively maintained branch)

Attention: use of used branch for exact details.

Branch names correspond to Yocto Project release names. Special branches supporting a special setup are named <release-name>-<module>

When switching branches keep in mind to keep the submodules in sync:

git submodule sync
git submodule update --init

Supported boards

See README of TQ-Sytems GmbH hardware support layer (meta-tq/meta-tq) or use ./ls-machines to list machines from meta-tq.

Quick Start Guide

Needed Tools / Prerequisites

For compatible environments and tools needed by the Yocto Project / OpenEmbedded build environment refer to the documentation of Yocto Project / OpenEmbedded.

Scripts for CI and setup of the build environment in this repository additionally have the following prerequisites:

  • Python3
  • jq
  • bash
  • gnu grep


Under sources/template/conf/templates/ci several configs are supplied as starting point for own bblayers.conf

config description
mainline SoM supported by mainline based kernel, currently i.MX
imx SoM with i.MX CPU, depends on meta-freescale with vendor recipes
ti SoM with TI Sitara, depends on meta-ti
ls SoM with NXP Layerscape CPU, depends on meta-freescale

Use ci/ls-configs --file to show available configs. Use ci/ls-machines --file --config=<config> to show all machines supported by a config.

Setting up an initial build space

To set up an initial build space, clone this repo using

git clone --branch=<branch-name> --recurse-submodules <url>

change to checked out dir and

. ./setup-environment <builddir> <config>

You can override defaults with:

  • export MACHINE=<machine> (default is first MACHINE from meta-tq/meta-tq that matches <config>)
  • export DISTRO=<distro> (tested distros are based on poky and could be found in meta-tq/meta-dumpling)

before sourcing the script. This script uses the requested configuration from sources/template/conf/templates/ci/bblayers.conf.<config> as initial template for your bblayer.conf

Additionally some config variables are injected via auto.conf.normal from sources/template/conf/templates/ci/

In case you have a ~/.oe or ~/.yocto dir a site.conf file from this dir will be symlinked to the conf dir inside the build directory to allow machine specific overrides. Good use case for this are things like

  • shared download directory: you can provide $DL_DIR via ~/.yocto/site.conf.
  • shared sstate cache: you can provide $SSTATE_DIR via ~/.yocto/site.conf.
  • local PREMIRROR

Internally the oe-init-build-env script from the used openembedded / poky meta layer will be sourced from setup-environment to get the bitbake environment

After this step, everything is setup to build an image using bitbake.

Return to an existing build space

To return to an existing buildspace go to the checked out dir and

. ./setup-environment <builddir>

Reproducible build environment

Devolopment and automated builds are supported by the scripts under ci and configuration under ./sources/template/conf/templates/ci, notably

  • sample bblayer.conf files
  • sample auto.conf files and inclusion fragments (see Yocto Project doc for local.conf and auto.conf)

Build all supported machines

To build all supported machines from one of the configs, one can use the CI helper script:

ci/build_all <builddir> <configuration>

Depending on the settings in build-config.json different distro definitions will be used to build images for the machines in the configuration.

The machine configs and kernel recipes are defined in meta-tq hardware support layer. Image recipes and distro configs can be found in the meta-dumpling distro layer. Both layers are part of the meta-tq repository.

See documentation in meta-tq and meta-dumpling for available machines, distros and images. Listing is possible with helper scripts ci/ls-configs and ci/ls-machines.

Clean build

To force a clean build of all supported machines and generate archives, do

ci/build_all <builddir> <config>

with a new build directory.

Building package premirror

To help to create a package premirror (to support offline builds), one can use the CI helper script:

ci/fill_mirror <builddir> <config>

One have to define the following stuff in your site.conf:

SOURCE_MIRROR_URL ?= "file://<full path>/"
INHERIT += "own-mirrors"

PREMIRRORS_prepend = "\
        git://.*/.* file://full path>/ \n \
        ftp://.*/.* file://full path>/ \n \
        http://.*/.* file://full path>/ \n \
        https://.*/.* file://full path>/ \n \

To fill the mirror, the script

  • allows to create also tarballs from SCM using BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS=1
  • forces downloads for uninative packages by INHERIT_remove = \"uninative\""
  • copies all archives from DL_DIR to the mirror

This way the mirror can be used to do offline builds without downloading anything with BB_FETCH_PREMIRRORONLY=1


Attention This project is focused on board bringup and demonstration for TQ-Systems starter kits. Since embedded projects have different goals, the Yocto Project brings lots of features to modify system configuration and setup. This project is not a turn key distribution but a starting point for own developments.

Attention RootFS created with this setup has for demonstration purpose and ease of development no root password set and allows passwordless ssh root access. Please make sure, to remove things like

  • debug-tweaks
  • empty-root-password
  • ssh_allow_root_login

from IMAGE_FEATURES and / or IMAGE_EXTRA_FEATURES before release. View the openembedded / Yocto Project and bitbake documentation.


CI testbed for meta-tq



Unknown and 2 other licenses found

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