Plugin for implementing healthcheck service into Ruby applications
- Ability to integrate this approach as Rack middleware out of the box
- Ability to configure services params to set up proper connection
- Ability make request with proper url and retrieve status of app services
Ruby MRI 2.7.0+
Before this RubyHealthchecMiddleware gem must be deployed to your local gems env
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
source '' do
gem 'ruby-healthcheck-middleware'
And then execute:
Or install it yourself as:
gem install ruby-healthcheck-middleware
To have an access for RubyHealthcheckMiddleware.configuration
and gem configuration features, you must configure it first as in the example below:
require 'ruby_healthcheck_middleware'
# By default Healthcheck gem check three services: Database, Redis, RabbitMQ.
RubyHealthcheckMiddleware.configure do |config|
# Set up services you have in application
config.services_startup = %i[database redis rabbitmq service_name]
# If application has data base you need to set database params:
# config.database = { adapter: 'postgres', database_name: 'postgres', password: '12345', etc }
# Parameters: :adapter, :database_name are required, rest of parameters such as: :port, :host, :password are optional
# You have two options for :adapter - 'postgres' or 'tiny_tds'
config.database = { adapter: 'postgres', database_name: 'postgres', password: '12345' }
# If application has Redis database you need to set redis params:
# config.redis = { url: 'redis://localhost/', user: 'user', password: '12345' }
# all params in hash are optional
config.redis = { url: 'redis://localhost/', user: 'user', password: '12345' }
# If application has RabbitMQ you need to set params:
# config.rabbitmq = { 'amqp://guest:[email protected]:5672' } or set param from env ENV.fetch('RABBITMQ_URL)
# all params in hash are optional
config.rabbitmq = { 'amqp://guest:[email protected]:5672' }
# If application has custom services you need to set up configuration:
# config.custom_services = { service_name: some callable object } where:
# key - 'service_name' must be setted up in config.services_startup
# value - 'some callable object' must be as boolean response
config.custom_services = { service_name: -> { true } }
# Optional parameter. By default setted as [redis rabbitmq database]
# Use this configuration for separate liveness report, good for k8s
config.services_liveness = %i[redis rabbitmq custom]
# Optional parameter. By default setted as [redis rabbitmq database]
# Use this configuration for separate readiness report, good for k8s
config.services_readiness = %i[:redis]
# Optional parameter. By default setted as '/sre'
config.root_healthcheck_route = '/example'
# Optional parameter. By default setted as '/health'
config.endpoint_startup = '/healthcheck'
# Optional parameter. By default setted as '/liveness'
config.endpoint_liveness = '/report1'
# Optional parameter. By default setted as '/readiness'
config.endpoint_readiness = '/report2'
- If you have setted up any of default services(:redis, :data_base, :rabbitmq) in
and had not setted up config for this service, the service will not be checked, response status will be success 200 - If you setted up any of custom service in
and had not setted up config for this service, the service will return 'null', response status will be faulture 503
You can reset RubyHealthcheckMiddleware
# => nil
# => nil
This exception wrapper could be integrated as Rack middleware:
# Example of integration into typical Rack application
class Application < Roda
opts[:root] = ENV['ROOT']
use Logs::Middleware::Rack
use Airbrake::Rack::Middleware
use RubyHealthcheckMiddleware::Middleware::Rack
plugin :all_verbs
plugin :symbol_status
plugin :json, content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json'
plugin :json_parser
plugin :request_headers
plugin :hash_routes
plugin :session
After configurations were setted up you cat use gem with real request via terminal or Postman In terminal up service with 9292 port
bundle exec rackup
Then in postman make request
GET http://localhost:9292/example/healthcheck
Or in terminal
curl localhost:9292/example/healthcheck
status 200
"data": {
"id": "1160bb6f-2a81-4b07-8783-81037cc27975",
"type": "application-healthcheck",
"attributes": {
"database": true,
"redis": true
status 503
"data": {
"id": "31322423-442e-469f-a526-fb8aab5120ff",
"type": "application-healthcheck",
"attributes": {
"database": true,
"redis": true,
"some_service_1": null,
"some_service_2": false
uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0