Simple Python script for controlling input, preset and volume on a MiniDSP-SHD device via the Volumio API.
For full control of many MiniDSP devices,, which interfaces via USB is recommended, but this script gives a simple way of controlling some aspects of the SHD only, which has an IP based API via the embedded Volumio server.
Some examples:
python3 hostname-or-ipv4 SPDIF
python3 hostname-or-ipv4 PRESET4
python3 hostname-or-ipv4 VOLUME 70
This can be used in Home Assistant using the Shell command integration, and then used in automations. For example in HA's configuration.yaml:
minidsp_rca: python3 custom_components/ minidsp-shd.lan RCA
minidsp_spdif: python3 custom_components/ minidsp-shd.lan SPDIF
minidsp_usb: python3 custom_components/ minidsp-shd.lan USB
minidsp_toslink: python3 custom_components/ minidsp-shd.lan TOSLINK