This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 11, 2023. It is now read-only.
- 7af3392: Bump from 0.6.1 to 0.7.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 3be3d94: Bump from 1.5.4 to 1.6.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- eee5048: Bump from 9.0.0-beta.2 to 9.0.0-rc.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 69ca1d7: Bump from 9.0.0-rc.1 to 9.0.0-rc.2 (@dependabot[bot])
- 9674376: Bump from 1.20.0 to 1.20.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- 06829fe: Bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- b2de744: Bump from 0.23.0 to 0.24.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 03667a0: Bump from 1.22.0 to 1.23.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- 0e632c2: Bump from 0.13.0 to 0.13.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- dd748cf: add basic consumer (@odacremolbap)
- f4ddf71: add basic validation (@odacremolbap)
- 668f52a: add config watcher to broker process (@odacremolbap)
- abc1980: add controller/reconciler for obs configmap (@odacremolbap)
- 944eb36: add dependabot CI (@odacremolbap)
- 650cbfc: add dispatch routines and retries (@odacremolbap)
- 891d45b: add dls (@odacremolbap)
- 4774351: add dockerfile (@odacremolbap)
- 17671da: add empty default config (@odacremolbap)
- 406cd73: add env vars at readme (@odacremolbap)
- 56b42be: add filter tests, remove cesql (@odacremolbap)
- f4156de: add license and eula (@odacremolbap)
- f5df52e: add licenses (@odacremolbap)
- d0c5fdb: add linting (@odacremolbap)
- 79c7511: add simple usage (@odacremolbap)
- dadbab4: add support for args as envs (@odacremolbap)
- eb11d63: add support for authenticated redis (@odacremolbap)
- 463e0af: add trigger subscription metrics (@odacremolbap)
- 10de76a: add workflow dependencies (@odacremolbap)
- 021d078: adqapt memory broker to interface (@odacremolbap)
- 8754fb6: alter metrics reg order (@odacremolbap)
- 35584aa: basic TLS support (@odacremolbap)
- 5f7dcb9: better trigger metrics tags (@odacremolbap)
- 4066cf9: build container (@odacremolbap)
- f146b75: ci: fix login to GCR for container builds (@sameersbn)
- ee854d3: clean dead code (@odacremolbap)
- 0bdda1e: cmd globals extracted (@odacremolbap)
- f09be46: codeql scanning (@odacremolbap)
- ddac348: concurrency settings for e2e (@odacremolbap)
- c8a8ed4: configure logger (@odacremolbap)
- a2f99b5: container build on push main (@odacremolbap)
- 9267565: container-workflow: disable GCR login on pull-requests (@sameersbn)
- e1fab78: copy filters from kn (@odacremolbap)
- b180576: deepcopy for filters (@odacremolbap)
- 9fee758: desperate move (@odacremolbap)
- f1debcb: do not return on filter fail (@odacremolbap)
- 7d9946b: document parameters at readme (@odacremolbap)
- 190ae73: document test flags (@odacremolbap)
- 7d2ccb5: e2e runner framework pt1 (@odacremolbap)
- 600bee3: e2e workflow switch (@odacremolbap)
- 8f83936: expose instance name as global arg (@odacremolbap)
- 3652479: fix config path (@odacremolbap)
- 8584715: fix e2e command (@odacremolbap)
- 3d506bb: fix filewatcher relative paths (@odacremolbap)
- d88859a: fix lint (@odacremolbap)
- ce883ea: fix linter issues (@odacremolbap)
- 460d648: fix panic when no metric config is provided (@odacremolbap)
- 952e57d: fix parse test (@odacremolbap)
- b309b74: fix path (@odacremolbap)
- 1609bb4: fix return from Probe (@odacremolbap)
- d65bb85: fix tests with metrics exporter (@odacremolbap)
- 062670c: fix xreadgroup poll (@odacremolbap)
- f7a7b9b: flesh out signaling for broker/ingest (@odacremolbap)
- c71a59d: generate dev images (@odacremolbap)
- 021e75a: gh-actions: adds release workflow (@sameersbn)
- 80739b5: gh-actions: publish images with the proper release tags (@sameersbn)
- d9804a8: implement memory backend (@odacremolbap)
- 507d3ae: ingest metrics (@odacremolbap)
- 3d5c6a5: initialize metrics config (@odacremolbap)
- 5f05780: json tag config (@odacremolbap)
- 329a7f6: kube/file flag management (@odacremolbap)
- 2f1dbd2: linter happy (@odacremolbap)
- ab89b41: local path config update (@odacremolbap)
- 4b51e98: log response ingest errors (@odacremolbap)
- 873fbfc: logger improvements (@odacremolbap)
- fd56847: make linter happy (@odacremolbap)
- b29f24a: make uuid direct dep (@odacremolbap)
- 14fd0df: mapped host volume (@odacremolbap)
- 1868322: mark incomplete readme (@odacremolbap)
- a9ac299: metrics config (@odacremolbap)
- 70ec86d: move config file to common cmd (@odacremolbap)
- 627319d: multi subscriptions, working, plenty of TODOs (@odacremolbap)
- da800be: observability configmap fix (@odacremolbap)
- 22f10de: push images (@odacremolbap)
- 486d4ad: push to main triggers image build (@odacremolbap)
- 0dbf903: re-use metrics context (@odacremolbap)
- c2f679e: remove concurrency for container images (@odacremolbap)
- 10d3d69: remove config from docker images (@odacremolbap)
- 56cd3a9: remove dead block (@odacremolbap)
- 41580ac: remove non supported us/ps (@odacremolbap)
- 3a92ce5: remove version from binary name (@sameersbn)
- 26bffa5: rename backend attribute (@odacremolbap)
- 13b9188: response support (@odacremolbap)
- 7cba361: restructure cmd (@odacremolbap)
- 8023689: returned validation errs (@odacremolbap)
- 6ab7cf1: rough, but working (@odacremolbap)
- 61ee82f: run e2e in container (@odacremolbap)
- cfcfba6: send CE to target (@odacremolbap)
- 124c50f: setup structure (@odacremolbap)
- e4ea8a7: simple e2e (@odacremolbap)
- 97796c1: static checks (@odacremolbap)
- d160a92: sugar loggers (@odacremolbap)
- dabcf6c: support empty target URL (@odacremolbap)
- 10fddb2: switch to pure go e2e (@odacremolbap)
- 0a0656d: temptatively remove instance ID from metrics (@odacremolbap)
- b102cce: test wait more (@odacremolbap)
- 701b55c: try sleeping 10s (@odacremolbap)
- 0476311: try volume patterns (@odacremolbap)
- 4a162ee: unify cmd start (@odacremolbap)
- 68b4716: us kn like types for config (@odacremolbap)
- 26323f4: use kubernetes secret to update broker config (@odacremolbap)