Simple building plugin for neovim inspired by the Build Tool from Sublime Text.
Default |
![]() |
Vertical | Floating |
![]() |
![]() |
- Neovim >= 0.9.0
Using lazy.nvim (recommended)
cmd = "Build",
-- stylua: ignore
keys = {
{ "<C-b>", function() require("builder").build() end, desc = "Build" }
opts = {
commands = {
-- add your commands
Using packer.nvim
use {
config = function()
commands = {
-- add your commands
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-b>", "<cmd>Build<cr>", { silent = true, desc = "Build" })
Builder comes with the following defaults:
-- location of Builder buffer; opts: "bot", "top", "vert" or float
type = "bot",
-- percentage of width/height for type = "vert"/"bot" between 0 and 1
size = 0.25,
-- size of the floating window for type = "float"
float_size = {
height = 0.8,
width = 0.8,
-- which border to use for the floating window (see `:help nvim_open_win`)
float_border = "none",
-- number or table { above, right, below, left }, similar to CSS padding
padding = 0,
-- show/hide line numbers in the Builder buffer
line_number = false,
-- automatically save before building
autosave = true,
-- keymaps to close the Builder buffer, same format as for vim.keymap.set
close_keymaps = { "q", "<Esc>" },
-- measure the time it took to build
measure_time = true,
-- empty lines between the measured time message and the output data
time_to_data_padding = 0,
-- support colorful output by using to `:terminal` instead of a normal nvim buffer;
-- for `color = true` the `type = "float"` isn't allowed
color = false,
-- commands for building each filetype, can be a string or a table { cmd = "cmd", alt = "cmd" }; see below
-- for lua and vim filetypes `:source %` will be used by default
commands = {},
When creating a command, there are following available variables
— path to the current file from the current working directory$file
— current file name with extension$basename
— basename of the file$ext
— current file extension$path
— full path to the file$dir
— current working directory
This is an example of what commands
could look like
commands = {
c = "gcc % -o $basename.out && ./$basename.out",
cpp = "g++ % -o $basename.out && ./$basename.out",
go = {
cmd = "go run %",
alt = "go build % && ./$basename",
java = {
cmd = "java %",
alt = "javac % && java $basename",
javascript = "node %",
-- lua = "lua %", -- this will override the default `:source %` for lua files
markdown = "glow %",
python = "python %",
rust = "cargo run",
sh = "sh %",
typescript = "ts-node %",
zsh = "zsh %",
Run :Build
to build/run current file/project using the command for current filetype from commands
You can also pass different size
and type
:Build size=0.4 type=vert
:lua require("builder").build({ type = "float" })
To build with the alternative command use:
:Build alt=true
To enable colored output use:
:Build color=true
If you have any questions or would like to see any new features, feel free to open a new Issue.