youiest:unionize connects reactively.
curl | sh
cd path/to/yourpackage
meteor test-packages ./
Go to http://localhost:3000/ in private mode since junk can stick around in mem and throw off test times
Unionize - Extra Stupid DB
Moves bricks around. When it gets around to it.
Meteor smart package which provides a reactive database layer for connecting people and things, moving bits around and compensating for for the DB latency. Render connections with react.
Uninize makes it dead simple to move data between clients and server. Clients have full control over their outboxes. Outboxes are arrays of actions honored by the server if they pass muster. The server then syncs the data accordingly.
Implemented features are:
- connect( from, to ) -> connect points by updating your .outbox on client
- collection hooks on server process .outbox array and perform inserts into W collection and updates .to targets
- reactive tests run after collection-hooks process .outbox and sync W back to client
Planned features are:
- Each user has a 'prejoined' document on the server with enough data to load an app without queries
- Offline use through groundDB
- Hooks that fire when data is synced to server which maintain prejoined document.
- extensible reactjs functions for rendering different kinds of objects on client or server
- extensible 'rules' functions for how to move 'bricks' around. Fired depending on what action user puts into an outbox. Essentially a dead simple dynamic called with the type of action and the document.
- Thresholds, federation, bots and more.
Adding this package to your Meteor application adds the W and WI collections object as well as the connect(from,to) function on the client.
(on client) Meteor.startup -> # performance obsessed logging l a(), 'startup dummyInsert' 'dummyInsert'
recommendation =
to: user
from: 'picture'
recommendation2 =
to: user
from: 'picture2'
l a()
, recommendation, recommendation.from
,'testing recommendation'
# calling connect on the client to do update our WI, later synced when online
, connect(recommendation)
l a(), recommendation2, recommendation2.from
, 'testing recommendation2', connect(recommendation2)
l a(), recommendation.from, WI.findOne({}).outbox , 'outbox'
# since the sync hasn't gone to server and back (hooks!) we test once the data is here
picd = Tracker.autorun (computation) ->
l a(), 'checking if ready for test pictured' , W.findOne({to:user})
# only run the test if we have a candidate
unless !W.findOne({to:user})
test.equal recommendation.from , W.findOne {to:user}.from
meteor add youiest:unionize