Trixi v0.7.15
Merged pull requests:
- Perk p2 single ext (#1908) (@warisa-r)
- Read in capacity for parallel TreeMesh (#1913) (@benegee)
- Add subcell limiting support for StructuredMesh (#1946) (@bennibolm)
- remove Octavian and matmul! (#1950) (@jlchan)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Convex to 0.16 for package test, (keep existing compat) (#1953) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add JuliaCon 24 contributions to readme (#1957) (@sloede)
- Clean up callback conditions (#1960) (@efaulhaber)
- Generalize Jin Xin relaxation (#1961) (@ranocha)
Closed issues: