#You Tube Player Proxy#
This app is designed to be loaded by Carousel Players to play youtube videos using the YouTube iFrame API.
##Player Use## Load the index.html with the following query params fullUrl={string} the share url from youtube entered into the bulletin captionsEnabled={boolean}
###Status Feedback### The app send events back to the player containing a status object for events like playing, paused, ended, error, etc It will use the folowing mechanisms BrightSign: BSMessagePort.PostBSMessage Apple: webkit.messageHandlers.videoEvent.postMessage Web: window.postMessage
The app will respond to window.postMessage events containing a string of "pause" or "play" to facilitate looping of the video.
##Development## The project is built using webpack and uses the jest testing framework.
npm install
install dependancies
npm run-script test
run the test suite once
npm run-script test-watch
run the test suite in an live reload state
npm run-script serve
opens a dev server in the browser
npm run-script build
build the project in production mode