A terminal application to help keep track of all the things you're juggling at work or life in general.
By default it's ~/.things/
You can override this with THINGS_DIR
Things are files in THINGS_DIR/things/
When you create a new thing, a file is created and it's opened with EDITOR
title: Thing
type: chore
priority: 3
Do a thing!
You can assign things a positive integer to represent priority - 0 being highest priority.
Add done: true
to a thing to mark it as done. It will be removed from the
default list.
Add pause: true
to pause it. This just dims its color a little to indicate you
can skip it for now.
Add today: true
to indicate that thing needs to be addressed today. These will
be in bold.
You can filter by each of these. This is documented below.
Add pin: true
to pin it to the top of the list.
Things have types that you define in THINGS_DIR/types/
For example, you could define THINGS_DIR/types/chore.md
color: '#33ffc1'
Random, small task. Something otherwise untracked.
The amount of time a thing is open in your editor is tracked with csv files in
. Each thing has a file here as well. A row is added with the
open and close time every time you open a thing in order to calculate the
cumulative time you've spent working on a thing.
// mode
> = switch between "thing" and "type" modes
/ = search ("thing" mode only)
// navigation
k = cursor up
j = cursor down
ctrl+u = cursor up 5
ctrl+d = cursor down 5
g = set cursor to first
G = set cursor to last
// filter ("thing" mode only)
C = current, done: false (default)
D = done: true
A = all, no filter
P = pause: true
T = today: true
// sort ("thing" mode only)
a = sort things by age
p = sort things by priority (default)
t = sort things by type and priority
// display
# = toggle line numbers
// edit
n = open new thing in $EDITOR ("thing" mode only)
enter = open thing or type in $EDITOR
ctrl+e = open thing time file in $EDITOR ("thing" mode only)
ctrl+x = delete thing ("thing" mode only)
// quit
ctrl+c, q = quit