Releases: troyanovskaya/epam-competition
Releases · troyanovskaya/epam-competition
LocalGoods Demo v.0.1.1
Same as v.0.1 version, but no https redirection middleware
LocalGoods Demo v.0.1
This demo release is only for testing and has the next endpoints:
- POST: auth/signup – creates a user;
- POST: auth/login – returns JWT token with claims that contain role and user id if user with these data exists;
- GET: countries/ – returns all countries from db;
- GET: vendors/ – returns all vendors by applying filters (city);
- GET: vendors/{id} – returns specific vendor by its id;
- POST: vendors/ – creates a vendor.
All details can be found in Local Goods Docs.
What's Changed
- 1 Create Entities for DAL by @bulkedUpCat in #1
- 2 Create DB context and entity configurations by @bulkedUpCat in #3
- 3 Create repository interfaces by @NMishchenko in #4
- 5 Create Models For BLL by @bulkedUpCat in #6
- 4 Create repositories by @NMishchenko in #5
- 7 Create service interfaces by @NMishchenko in #9
- 9 Add Authentication/Authorization by @bulkedUpCat in #7
- 14 Fix Entities And Configuration by @bulkedUpCat in #11
- 8 Configure Cors by @bulkedUpCat in #12
- 16 Add database seeding by @bulkedUpCat in #13
- 19 Add vendors service and controller by @NMishchenko in #15
- 20 Add category service and controller by @bulkedUpCat in #14
- 23 Add exception handling middleware by @bulkedUpCat in #17
Full Changelog: