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Deploying Trustify using Helm

From a local checkout

From a local copy of the repository, execute one of the following deployments.


Create a new cluster:

minikube start --cpus 8 --memory 24576 --disk-size 20gb --addons ingress,dashboard

Create a new namespace:

kubectl create ns trustify

Use it as default:

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=trustify

Evaluate the application domain and namespace:

APP_DOMAIN=.$(minikube ip)

Install the infrastructure services:

helm upgrade --install --dependency-update -n $NAMESPACE infrastructure charts/trustify-infrastructure --values values-minikube.yaml --set-string keycloak.ingress.hostname=sso$APP_DOMAIN --set-string appDomain=$APP_DOMAIN

Then deploy the application:

helm upgrade --install -n $NAMESPACE trustify charts/trustify --values values-minikube.yaml --set-string appDomain=$APP_DOMAIN


Create a new cluster:

kind create cluster --config kind/config.yaml
kubectl apply -f

The rest works like the minikube approach. The APP_DOMAIN is different though:

APP_DOMAIN=.$(kubectl get node kind-control-plane -o jsonpath='{.status.addresses[?(@.type == "InternalIP")].address}' | awk '// { print $1 }')


Create a new cluster:

crc start --cpus 8 --memory 32768 --disk-size 80

Create a new namespace:

oc new-project trustify

Evaluate the application domain and namespace:

APP_DOMAIN=-$NAMESPACE.$(oc -n openshift-ingress-operator get default -o jsonpath='{.status.domain}')

Provide the trust anchor:

oc get secret -n openshift-ingress router-certs-default -o go-template='{{index .data "tls.crt"}}' | base64 -d > tls.crt
oc create configmap crc-trust-anchor --from-file=tls.crt -n trustify
rm tls.crt

Deploy the infrastructure:

helm upgrade --install --dependency-update -n $NAMESPACE infrastructure charts/trustify-infrastructure --values values-ocp-no-aws.yaml --set-string keycloak.ingress.hostname=sso$APP_DOMAIN --set-string appDomain=$APP_DOMAIN

Deploy the application:

helm upgrade --install -n $NAMESPACE trustify charts/trustify --values values-ocp-no-aws.yaml --set-string appDomain=$APP_DOMAIN --values values-crc.yaml

OpenShift with AWS resources

Instead of using Keycloak and the filesystem storage, it is also possible to use AWS Cognito and S3.

Deploy only the application:

helm upgrade --install -n $NAMESPACE trustify charts/trustify --values values-ocp-aws.yaml --set-string appDomain=$APP_DOMAIN

From a released chart

Instead of using a local checkout, you can also use a released chart.


You will still need a "values" files, providing the necessary information. If you don't clone the repository, you'll need to create a value yourself.

For this, you will need to add the following repository:

helm repo add trustify

And then, modify any of the previous helm commands to use:

helm […] --devel trustify/<chart> […]