Releases: tsdat/pipeline-template
What's Changed
- Add vap template support by @maxwelllevin in #32
- Updates for new tsdat by @maxwelllevin in #34
This version of the pipeline-template
repo supports tsdat>=0.7.4
Full Changelog: v0.5.9...v0.7.4
What's Changed
Last release before tsdat v0.6.0
- Multiple pipeline dispatch by @maxwelllevin in #28
- Fix bad status message by @maxwelllevin in #31
- Various bug fixes and minor improvements by @jmcvey3 and @maxwelllevin
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.9
This release of the pipeline-template is designed to be compatible with tsdat versions 0.4.0 and up.
A new version will be released after breaking changes to the core tsdat library are made.
Changes from the initial release are shown below.
What's Changed
- Add example
quality config parameter by @maxwellevin in #1 - Run files independently by default by @maxwellevin in #2
- Refactor repetitive class name by @maxwellevin in #6
- v1 Updates by @maxwellevin in #7
- Example update by @jmcvey3 in #9
- Make cookies 🍪 by @maxwellevin in #10
- Update to tsdat >= 0.3.1 and fix test by @maxwellevin in #15
- Update template to run out-of-the-box, add conda-environment.yaml by @clansing in #16
- Update schema for v0.3.2 by @maxwellevin in #17
- Rename qc handler by @maxwellevin in #18
- Add instructions for running the pipeline by @maxwellevin in #21
- Add testing instructions by @maxwellevin in #23
New Contributors
- @maxwellevin made their first contribution in #1
- @jmcvey3 made their first contribution in #9
- @clansing made their first contribution in #16
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.4
Initial release
This is the first release of This repository is designed to improve on the ingest-template-local and ingest-template-aws repositories by utilizing better development practices, adding better documentation, and restructuring the repository such that it is easier to support multiple ingests.
A more detailed breakdown of the changes is below:
- Improved support for VS Code in the following ways:
- Added recommended extensions (Python, Github, Todo-tree, remote development, etc)
- Added good defaults for VS Code IDE settings (environment vars, linting / formatting, etc)
- Added .devcontainer folder so developers can use a standard docker container to limit operating-system-specific bugs.
- Added detailed instructions for getting started with VS Code
- Encourage development best-practices:
- Code styling with black
- Code linting with flake8
- Testing with pytest
- Automated testing on push to GitHub
- GitHub templates for issues and pull requests
- Documentation on recommended development practices
- Refactored so that the template repository easily supports multiple ingests
- Added cookiecutter template (accessible as a CLI) to automatically generate ingest code given responses to pre-defined prompts
- Added top-level CLI to dispatch any ingest in the repository on one or more input files