We would like to have an opportunity to learn about your skills. This is an open ended project where you should put as much effort as you consider right to show what you think is important.
Delivery of Code
Please share a Github repo with your code.
Using Github's API (https://developer.github.com/), build an application with an autocomplete input box for searching issues for React's repo (https://github.com/facebook/react/issues). Input and results should be able to navigate via keyboard shortcuts. Each result should have but not limited to, the issue's title and labels.
- Frontend: AngularJS + Angular Material
- Backend: Node.js + Mongoose + Node-fetch + Nock + Cache
- Change location to project root folder path (api-github-search)
- Run npm install
- Run npm start (This will serve the app onto http://localhost:3000/)
- Change location to project root folder path (github-search)
- Run npm install
- Run npm start (This will serve the app onto http://localhost:8000/) PS: Make sure backend service is already running
- Change location to backend root folder path (api-github-search)
- Run npm install -g mocha
- Run npm test
Search Github issues- Proposal to change autocomplete input box. Component should allow enabling pagination logic on infinite scrolling
- Add build process for production deployment (npm, webpack, gulp, grunt, etc..)
- Added in-memory DB to simulate mongo inserts to store recent searchs
- Added caching strategy
- Configure backend application to use environment variables - optional (Ex: To store optional Github personal access token)
Please, consider the following:
- For scaling purporses, projects in this solution can be containerized applications;
- Some kind of resilience (retry logic/circuit breaker) can be used in the interaction between components. Transaction and network errors can be mitigated adding some of these strategies;
- APM monitoring tools (Elastic, NewRelic, Dynatrace, Prometheus etc..), health checks and logging are also used for better observability. They make it easier tracking correlation between requests and checking overall operational status of services;
- Also, to avoid any kind of latency and network issues, consider databases and all services are in the same cloud;
- For security reasons, "api-github-search" is not exposed to the internet. It should be accessed through a gateway.