Ruby library for Rails which enables you to create data grids, i.e table like data with customizable
- Filters
- Sortables columns
- Faceted search
- Localization
In order to define a grid you need to provide:
- a scope which returns the objects for the grid's rows
- filters that will be used to filter the rows
- columns to be displayed
class ArticleGrid << Gitter::Grid
### First define the source for your data
# helpers are accessible by #h
scope do
Article.where(:owner => h.current_user)
### Then you may define filters
# filter by attribute
filter :name
# filter by multiple columns: filters by :name OR :description
filter :search, :columns => [:name, :description]
# filter by named scope
filter :topsellers, :scope => :topsellers
# customized filter
filter :on_stock do |scope|
scope.where('stock > 0')
filter :out_of_stock do |scope|
scope.where(:stock => 0)
# select from given filters
filter :availability, :select => [:on_stock, :out_of_stock]
# add to facets
filter :category, :facet => true
# select among named scopes
filter :price_range, :scopes => [:niceprice, :regular]
# you can provide 'search' like attributes
filter :search, :ignore_case => true, :exact => false
# The former can be abbreviated by
search :search
### Define your data grid
# show an attribute
column :article_no
# provide a hardcoded header (i18n support also available)
column :description, :header => 'Details'
# make the column sortable
column :name, :sort => true
# Customize your data cell
# Access your model through variable 'model'
column :price, :sort => true do
"#{model.price/100.floor},#{model.price%100} USD"
# helpers are accessible via #h
column :details, :header => false do
h.link_to 'details', h.edit_article_path(self)
#Rendering your grid
For the most common use case -- your controller -- you simply do:
def index
@grid =
Render you grid:
- @grid.headers.each do |header|
%th = header
- @grid.rows.each do |row|
- row.each do |cell|
%th = cell
Render your facets:
- @grid.facets do |facet|
= facet.label
- do |data|
= data.value
= link_to "(#{data.count})",
Render your breadcrumbs:
- ActiveRecord
- others: Help or suggestions are welcome
API inspired by datagrid
Gitter is released under the MIT license
Copyright © 2013 Thomas Sonntag