Framework for (weighted) automata with storage
main functionalities:
- parsing of LCFRSs using their Chomsky-Schützenberger characterisation
- parsing of PMCFGs/MCFGs/LCFRSs and CFGs using their automata characterisation
- approximation of MCFGs/LCFRSs and CFGs using several approximation strategies
- coarse-to-fine parsing of MCFGs/LCFRSs and CFGs using their automata characterisation (under construction)
- create a grammar file
cat <<EOF > example.mcfg initial: [S] S → [[Var 0 0, Var 1 0, Var 0 1, Var 1 1]] (A, B) A → [[T a, Var 0 0], [T c, Var 0 1] ] (A ) # 0.5 A → [[], [] ] ( ) # 0.5 B → [[T b, Var 0 0], [T d, Var 0 1] ] (B ) # 0.5 B → [[], [] ] ( ) # 0.5 EOF
- construct a tree-stack automaton from the given grammar, print out that automaton
cargo run mcfg automaton
- construct a tree-stack automaton from the given grammar and recognise the word "a a b c c d", print out a best (maximum weight) accepting configuration (if there is one)
echo "a a b c c d" | cargo run mcfg parse
Rustomata can deal with multiple context-free grammars (short: MCFGs) and context-free grammars (short: CFGs). MCFGs are expressively equivalent to linear context-free rewriting systems (LCFRSs) and simple range concatenation grammars (sRCG). The algorithms of rustomata use automata (tree-stack automata, short: TSA, for PMCFGs; and pushdown automata, short: PDA, for CFGs) or the Chomsky-Schützenberger representation to deal with grammars. The weights are (for now) assumed to be from the algebra (ℝ₊, ⋅, 1) of non-negative reals with multiplication; any parser considers greater values to be better.
initial non-terminals: only S
S(x₁y₁x₂y₂) ← A(x₁, x₂) B(y₁, y₂) with weight 1
A(ax₁, cx₂) ← A(x₁, x₂) with weight 0.5
A(ε, ε) ← ε with weight 0.5
B(by₁, dy₂) ← B(y₁, y₂) with weight 0.5
B(ε, ε) ← ε with weight 0.5
- the same grammar in rustomata's notation:
initial: [S] S → [[Var 0 0, Var 1 0, Var 0 1, Var 1 1]] (A, B) A → [[T a, Var 0 0], [T c, Var 0 1] ] (A ) # 0.5 A → [[], [] ] ( ) # 0.5 B → [[T b, Var 0 0], [T d, Var 0 1] ] (B ) # 0.5 B → [[], [] ] ( ) # 0.5
- Lines that contain no non-whitespace characters are ignored by the parser.
- Lines whose first non-whitespace character is a
are also ignored (comments). - A single production may not contain newline characters.
- A production may be followed by a comment (starting with
). - The weight definition (e.g.
# 1.0
) may be omitted. Rustomata then assumes a weight of1.0
initial non-terminals: S
S → a S b with weight 0.4
S → ε with weight 0.6
- the same grammar in rustomata's notation:
initial: [S] S → [T a, Nt A, T b] # 0.4 S → [] # 0.6
- The parser specifics of MCFGs also apply for CFGs.
- create a tree-stack automaton that is equivalent to the given MCFG:
cargo run mcfg automaton example.mcfg
- create a push-down automaton that is equivalent to the given CFG:
cargo run cfg automaton example.cfg
parse an MCFG (internally constructing an tree-stack automaton):
cargo run mcfg parse
parse a CFG (internally constructing a pushdown automaton):
cargo run cfg parse
for LCFRS files in rustomata's format
cargo run -- csparsing extract examples/example.pmcfg > example.cs
for LCFRS files in discodop's format
cargo run -- csparsing extract --disco \ --lexer ⟨some_lexer_file_from_discodop⟩ \ ⟨some_gzipped_grammar_from_discodop⟩ \ > example.cs
…or without lexer
cargo run -- csparsing extract --disco \\ ⟨some_gzipped_grammar_from_discodop⟩ \ > example.cs
…or with unzipped grammar
cargo run -- csparsing extract --disco \ --unzipped \ --lexer ⟨some_lexer_file_from_discodop⟩ \ ⟨some_unzipped_grammar_from_discodop⟩ \ > example.cs
parse a space separated word using a Chomsky-Schützenberger representation
echo "a a b c c d" | cargo run -- csparsing parse example.cs
Rustomata contains several approximation strategies, allowing the transformation of automata with storage into other automata with storage. Available are
- approximation of an MCFG (via a tree-stack automaton) by a pushdown automaton:
cargo run approximation tts automaton example.mcfg
- parse a word with the approximation automaton for the given MCFG:
cargo run approximation tts parse example.mcfg
- approximate a CFG (via a pushdown automaton) by a pushdown automaton using an equivalence relation on the non-terminal symbols. An equivalence relation is defined by specifying equivalence classes:
S [S] N [A,B] R *
matching the remaining non-terminals. To get the approximation automaton:cargo run approximation relabel automaton example.cfg example.classes
- to parse with the approximation pushdown automaton:
cargo run approximation relabel parse example.cfg example.classes
- approximation of a CFG (via a pushdown automaton) by a finite state automaton using a restriction of the underlying pushdown to height
:cargo run approximation ptk automaton example.cfg k
- parse with the approximation finite state automaton:
cargo run approximation ptk parse k
currently being refactored