developed by the GINO group and published with the MPL-2.0 license.
Code contributors:
- Patrick Sattler
- Roland Reif
- Patrick Grossmann
This ECSplorer implements the response-aware approach as presented in the paper ECSeptional DNS Data: Evaluating Nameserver ECS Deployments with Response-Aware Scanning. The results presented in this paper where obtained using the scanning tools provided in this repository.
Authors: Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Fahad Hilal, Oliver Gasser, Kevin Vermeulen, Georg Carle, Mattijs Jonker
Current supported GoLang version: 1.21
cd src
go build
Usage of ecsplorer:
-6 Perfom IPv6 scan using BGP prefixes as seed
-cc int
CAPACITY of CHANNELS = Number of Domains we can scan concurrently (default 100)
-config-file string
Config file path
-cp string
CPU PROFILE = File to which cpuProfile shall be written
disable all storage
-domain-outstanding int
maximum number of domains which are scanned at once, == 0 to disable. (default 100)
-if string
INPUT FILE = The file in which the list of Domains we want to scan is stored.
-ip4source string
ipv4 source address to use during the scan
-ip6source string
ipv6 source address to use during the scan
-lf string
LOGGING FILE = File we want to log into
-ll int
LOGGING LEVEL = Level of how much we log. 0 (no logging) 1(only errors), 2 (informational), 3 (debugging) (default 2)
-mp string
MEMORY PROFILE = File to which memProfile shall be written
-ni int
NUMBER of IPGENERATORS = Number of concurrently called IPGenerators (default 20)
-out string
output Directory to write results
-pf string
PREFIX FILE = File where the bgp prefixes are stored
-pl int
PREFIX LENGTH = Prefix length we will use for the 'Source' field in the ECS in all our scans (default 24)
PRINT RESULT = Indicates if final result shall be printed
-query-list string
List of query parameters to use instead of normal trie based approach
-query-rate int
query rate per second, <= 0 for unlimited. (default 100)
Randomize scan prefix selection
-resolver string
Set this to use a public resolver instead of the authoritative name server
-retries int
number of retries on error (default 3)
Only scan prefixes inside the BGP prefix list
-sf string
SPECIAL PREFIX FILE = File where the bgp prefixes are stored
-te int
TEMPORARY ERRORS = maximum number of temporary errors we accept for one domain-name server pair before stop scanning it (default 3)
-timeout-dial duration
Dial timeout (default 2s)
-timeout-read duration
Read timeout (default 2s)
-timeout-write duration
Write timeout (default 2s)
show version string
We provide a sample config file.
In utils/specialPrefixes.csv we collected special purpose prefixes (e.g., RFC1918 prefixes).