NOTE: If you are using the Tuxbox-Builder VM (this is not mandatory) please jump to step 1. The Tuxbox-Builder VM already contains required packages. For details and download of Tuxbox-Builder VM see: Tuxbox-Builder
apt-get install -y gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential \
chrpath socat cpio python python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils \
iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa pylint3 xterm subversion locales-all \
libxml2-utils ninja-build default-jre clisp libcapstone3 libsdl2-dev doxygen
NOTE: Older buildsystem versions < 3.2 need libsdl1.2-dev
Recommended additional packages for graphical support (e.g. KDE ...) and analyzing (e.g. with Kdevelop):
apt-get install -y gitk git-gui meld cppcheck clazy kdevelop
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global user.user "Your Name"
For usage with other distributions see: Yocto Project Quick Build
$:~ git clone
$:~ cd build
This will clone all required layers and create some config files into your build directories.
- Parameter : could be bre2ze4k, h7, hd51, hd60, hd61, osmio4k, osmio4kplus or set 'all' or keep empty ' ' for all machines.
$:~ ./ <machine>
$:~ cd poky-3.2
$:~ ./ hd51
$:~ cd poky-3.2
Please use the possible machine type which you selected on step 2! Here as example we use hd51. This creates (if not exists!) the build directory named as hd51, sets the build environment and will print some lines:
$:~ . ./oe-init-build-env hd51
### Shell environment set up for builds. ###
You can now run 'bitbake <target>'
Common targets are:
You can also run generated qemu images with a command like 'runqemu qemux86'
Other commonly useful commands are:
- 'devtool' and 'recipetool' handle common recipe tasks
- 'bitbake-layers' handles common layer tasks
- 'oe-pkgdata-util' handles common target package tasks
NOTE: If you left the current shell you must retry step 3 for your machine type to recreate the required environment.
Now you are ready to build an image.
$:~ /build/poky-3.2/<machine>$ bitbake neutrino-image
This may take a while. Some warn messages can be ignored. Error messages during setscene tasks are no problem but errors during build and package tasks will abort the process. In this case please report or send us your solution to Tuxbox-Forum. Help is very welcome.
If all done, such a message should appear:
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 4568 tasks of which 4198 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
Built images and packages to find under:
or in the dist directory:
An explicit update for any sources (e.g. neutrino) is not required. This will be done automatically on every called target with bitbake. This will also update required dependencies. If you moved some target sources into the workspace ($HOME/builder/poky-3.2//workspace), you must do it yourself. See also "Working on target sources"!
Execution of init script will update the yocto poky-x.x repository to the required yocto release and will updating the included local meta layers to current state of remote repositories. Of corse you can update and modiify your local meta-layer for meta-neutrino and machine layers repositories manually. The update routines will stash uncommitted changes or will rebase your local commits to new remote changes, but conflicts are possible. In this case you must solve manually.
Note: Your config files will be untouched. New or modified config options are not considered. Please check your configuration if required.
In this case you should transfer the desiered target source into the workspace repository ($HOME/builder/poky-3.2//workspace). If You have moved any target source into the workspace tree you have full control to source code you want to modify. See also devtool and especially devtool modify.
If you want to reset your configs, please rename (delete is not recommended) the conf directory ($HOME/build/poky-3.2//conf) and execute the init script again.
If you want to force rebuild you can delete (or rename) the tmp directory ($HOME/build/poky-3.2//tmp):
That causes the complete reassembling of the image. If you didn't delete the sstate-cache directory ($HOME/build/poky-3.2//sstate-cache), your image should be ready in a very fast time. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the sstate-cache directory. In rare cases it should be necessary to delete this directory as well. Please note, however, in this case the build will take much more time.
It's recommended to build for first time without any changes on config files to get an impression how the build process is working and see the results. The possibilities for adjustments are very extensive and not really manageable for beginners. However, the Yoctoproject is very extensively documented and provides the best source of information.
Please do not modify the Yocto-sources! This is not recommended by the Yocto-Team, but you can use .bbappend files to complete, expand or override meta core Yocto recipes.
The generated local.conf contains only a few lines but contains a line which is pointing to a common config file and is valid for all images and supported machine types to keep an unified image structure. The origin cloned sample config file ("") should be untouched. This avoids possible conflicts during updating the init script from git repo. After executed init script (step 2), the config sample file was renamed from "" to "" and this file you can feed with your own options which have effect for all images you want to build. Alternatively you can modify the default "$HOME/Build/poky-3.2//conf/local.conf" with your own requirements or include your own config file. After updated init script, some new or changed options could be added or removed. This case you should consider for your own configuration.
For local configuration these config files within your build directory are required:
Default generated configuration for bblayers.conf:
NOTE: <metaname>
must be replaced with your machine type (e.g. hd51)
# POKY_BBLAYERS_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf
# changes incompatibly
${HOME}/build/poky-3.2/meta \
${HOME}/build/poky-3.2/meta-poky \
${HOME}/build/poky-3.2/meta-yocto-bsp \
${HOME}/build/poky-3.2/meta-neutrino \
${HOME}/build/poky-3.2/poky/meta-<metaname> \
# the following entries are experimental and are required to build kodi and some qt related stuff e.g. qtwebengine ...
/home/tg/builder/poky-3.2/meta-python2 \
/home/tg/builder/poky-3.2/meta-qt5 \
The general configuration you will find here, mostly entries are described inside these files:
Further informations about yocto buildsystem you will find here: