Keycloak Node.js minimalist connector for backend services integration. It aims to serve as base for high performance authorization middlewares.
Note: Version 2.x uses
jsonwebtoken 8.x
The awesome open-source Identity and Access Management solution develop by RedHat. Keycloak support those very nice features you are looking for:
- Single-Sign On
- LDAP and Active Directory
- Standard Protocols
- Social Login
- Clustering
- Custom Themes
- Centralized Management
- Identity Brokering
- Extensible
- Adapters
- High Performance
- Password Policies
More about Keycloak:
const keycloak = require('keycloak-backend')({
"realm": "your realm name",
"auth-server-url": "",
"client_id": "your client name",
"client_secret": "c88a2c21-9d1a-4f83-a18d-66d75c4d8020", // if required
"username": "your service username",
"password": "your service password"
This method requires online connection to the Keycloak service to validate the access token. It is highly secure since it also check for the possible token invalidation. The disadvantage is that a request to the Keycloak service happens on every validation attempt.
let token = await keycloak.jwt.verify(someAccessToken);
//console.log(token.hasApplicationRole('app-client-name', 'some-role'));
This method perform offline JWT verification against the access token using the Keycloak Realm public key. Performance is higher compared to the online method, the disadvantage is that access token invalidation will not work until the token is expired.
let cert = fs.readFileSync('public_cert.pem');
token = await keycloak.jwt.verifyOffline(someAccessToken, cert);
//console.log(token.hasApplicationRole('app-client-name', 'some-role'));
Efficiently maintaining a valid access token can be hard. Get it easy by using:
let accessToken = await keycloak.accessToken.get()
request.get('', {
'auth': {
'bearer': await keycloak.accessToken.get()
For this feature, the authentication details described in the configuration options are used.
Sometimes backend services only have a target user identifier to digg for details, in such cases, you can contact the Keycloak service by:
let details = await keycloak.users.details(uid);
let details = await keycloak.users.roles(uid, [
// clients id here for roles retrieval
true // include realm roles ?