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Project 1: Classification

The goal of this project is to extend some of the work you've done in the labs and implement some of the techniques from scratch.


The code for this project consists of several Python files, some of which you will need to read and understand in order to complete the assignment, and some of which you can ignore.

Files You'll Edit This contains a handful of "warm up" classifiers to get you used to our classification framework. Will be your simple implementation of a decision tree classifier. This is where your nearest-neighbor classifier modifications will go. Take a guess :).

Files you might want to look at Our generic interface for binary classifiers (actually works for regression and other types of classification, too). Where a handful of test data sets are stored. A handful of useful utility functions: these will undoubtedly be helpful to you, so take a look! A few wrappers for doing useful things with classifiers, like training them, generating learning curves, etc. A few useful plotting commands

data/*: all of the datasets we'll use.

What to Submit

You will handin all of the python files listed above under "Files you'll edit" as well as a partners.txt file that lists the names and last four digits of the UID of all members in your team. Finally, you'll hand in a writeup.pdf file that answers all the written questions in this assignment (denoted by WU# in this file).


Your code will be autograded for technical correctness. Please do not change the names of any provided functions or classes within the code, or you will wreak havoc on the autograder. However, the correctness of your implementation -- not the autograder's output -- will be the final judge of your score. If necessary, we will review and grade assignments individually to ensure that you receive due credit for your work.

Warming up to Classifiers (10%)

Let's begin our foray into classification by looking at some very simple classifiers. There are three classifiers in, one is implemented for you, the other two you will need to fill in appropriately.

The already implemented one is AlwaysPredictOne, a classifier that (as its name suggest) always predicts the positive class. We're going to use the TennisData dataset from as a running example. So let's start up python and see how well this classifier does on this data. You should begin by importing util, datasets, binary and dumbClassifiers. Also, be sure you always have from numpy import * and from pylab import *. You can achieve this with from imports import * to make life easier.

>>> h = dumbClassifiers.AlwaysPredictOne({})
>>> h
>>> h.train(datasets.TennisData.X, datasets.TennisData.Y)
>>> h.predictAll(datasets.TennisData.X)
array([ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.])

Indeed, it looks like it's always predicting one!

Now, let's compare these predictions to the truth. Here's a very clever way to compute accuracies (WU1: why is this computation equivalent to computing classification accuracy?):

>>> mean((datasets.TennisData.Y > 0) == (h.predictAll(datasets.TennisData.X) > 0))

That's training accuracy; let's check test accuracy:

>>> mean((datasets.TennisData.Yte > 0) == (h.predictAll(datasets.TennisData.Xte) > 0))

Okay, so it does pretty badly. That's not surprising, it's really not learning anything!!!

Now, let's use some of the built-in functionality to help do some of the grunt work for us. You'll need to import runClassifier.

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(h, datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.642857, test accuracy 0.5

Very convenient!

Now, your first implementation task will be to implement the missing functionality in AlwaysPredictMostFrequent. This actually will "learn" something simple. Upon receiving training data, it will simply remember whether +1 is more common or -1 is more common. It will then always predict this label for future data. Once you've implemented this, you can test it:

>>> h = dumbClassifiers.AlwaysPredictMostFrequent({})
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(h, datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.642857, test accuracy 0.5
>>> h

Okay, so it does the same as AlwaysPredictOne, but that's because +1 is more common in that training data. We can see a difference if we change to a different dataset: SentimentData is the data you've seen before, now Python-ified.

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dumbClassifiers.AlwaysPredictOne({}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.504167, test accuracy 0.5025
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dumbClassifiers.AlwaysPredictMostFrequent({}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.504167, test accuracy 0.5025

Since the majority class is "1", these do the same here.

The last dumb classifier we'll implement is FirstFeatureClassifier. This actually does something slightly non-trivial. It looks at the first feature (i.e., X[0]) and uses this to make a prediction. Based on the training data, it figures out what is the most common class for the case when X[0] > 0 and the most common class for the case when X[0] <= 0. Upon receiving a test point, it checks the value of X[0] and returns the corresponding class. Once you've implemented this, you can check it's performance:

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dumbClassifiers.FirstFeatureClassifier({}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.714286, test accuracy 0.666667
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dumbClassifiers.FirstFeatureClassifier({}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.504167, test accuracy 0.5025

Decision Trees (30%)

Our next task is to implement a decision tree classifier. There is stub code in that you should edit. Decision trees are stored as simple data structures. Each node in the tree has a .isLeaf boolean that tells us if this node is a leaf (as opposed to an internal node). Leaf nodes have a .label field that says what class to return at this leaf. Internal nodes have: a .feature value that tells us what feature to split on; a .left tree that tells us what to do when the feature value is less than 0.5; and a .right tree that tells us what to do when the feature value is at least 0.5. To get a sense of how the data structure works, look at the displayTree function that prints out a tree.

Your first task is to implement the training procedure for decision trees. We've provided a fair amount of the code, which should help you guard against corner cases. (Hint: take a look at for some useful functions for implementing training. Once you've implemented the training function, we can test it on simple data:

>>> h = dt.DT({'maxDepth': 1})
>>> h
Leaf 1

>>> h.train(datasets.TennisData.X, datasets.TennisData.Y)
>>> h
Branch 6
  Leaf 1.0
  Leaf -1.0

This is for a simple depth-one decision tree (aka a decision stump). If we let it get deeper, we get things like:

>>> h = dt.DT({'maxDepth': 2})
>>> h.train(datasets.TennisData.X, datasets.TennisData.Y)
>>> h
Branch 6
  Branch 7
    Leaf 1.0
    Leaf 1.0
  Branch 1
    Leaf -1.0
    Leaf 1.0

>>> h = dt.DT({'maxDepth': 5})
>>> h.train(datasets.TennisData.X, datasets.TennisData.Y)
>>> h
Branch 6
  Branch 7
    Leaf 1.0
    Branch 2
      Leaf 1.0
      Leaf -1.0
  Branch 1
    Branch 7
      Branch 2
        Leaf -1.0
        Leaf 1.0
      Leaf -1.0
    Leaf 1.0

We can do something similar on the sentiment data (this will take a bit longer---it takes about 10 seconds on my laptop):

>>> h = dt.DT({'maxDepth': 2})
>>> h.train(datasets.SentimentData.X, datasets.SentimentData.Y)
>>> h
Branch 2428
  Branch 3842
    Leaf 1.0
    Leaf -1.0
  Branch 3892
    Leaf -1.0
    Leaf 1.0

The problem here is that words have been converted into numeric ids for features. We can look them up (your results here might be different due to hashing):

>>> datasets.SentimentData.words[2428]
>>> datasets.SentimentData.words[3842]
>>> datasets.SentimentData.words[3892]

Based on this, we can rewrite the tree (by hand) as:

Branch 'bad'
  Branch 'worst'
    Leaf -1.0
    Leaf 1.0
  Branch 'sequence'
    Leaf -1.0
    Leaf 1.0

Now, you should go implement prediction. This should be easier than training! We can test by (this takes about a minute for me):

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 1}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.630833, test accuracy 0.595
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 3}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.701667, test accuracy 0.6175
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 5}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.765833, test accuracy 0.62

Looks like it does better than the dumb classifiers on training data, as well as on test data! Hopefully we can do even better in the future!

We can use more runClassifier functions to generate learning curves and hyperparameter curves:

>>> curve = runClassifier.learningCurveSet(dt.DT({'maxDepth': 9}), datasets.SentimentData)
>>> runClassifier.plotCurve('DT on Sentiment Data', curve)

This plots training and test accuracy as a function of the number of data points (x-axis) used for training and y-axis is accuracy.

WU2: We should see training accuracy (roughly) going down and test accuracy (roughly) going up. Why does training accuracy tend to go down? Why is test accuracy not monotonically increasing? You should also see jaggedness in the test curve toward the left. Why?

We can also generate similar curves by chaning the maximum depth hyperparameter:

>>> curve = runClassifier.hyperparamCurveSet(dt.DT({}), 'maxDepth', [1,2,4,6,8,12,16], datasets.SentimentData)
>>> runClassifier.plotCurve('DT on Sentiment Data (hyperparameter)', curve)

Now, the x-axis is the value of the maximum depth.

WU3: You should see training accuracy monotonically increasing and test accuracy making something like a hill. Which of these is guaranteed to happen a which is just something we might expect to happen? Why?

Nearest Neighbors (20%)

To get started with geometry-based classification, we will implement a nearest neighbor classifier that supports both KNN classification and epsilon-ball classification. This should go in The only function here that you have to do anything about is the predict function, which does all the work.

In order to test your implementation, here are some outputs (I suggest implementing epsilon-balls first, since they're slightly easier):

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 0.5}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 1, test accuracy 1
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 1.0}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.857143, test accuracy 0.833333
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 2.0}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.642857, test accuracy 0.5

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 1}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 1, test accuracy 1
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 3}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.785714, test accuracy 0.833333
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 5}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.857143, test accuracy 0.833333

You can also try it on the digits data:

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 6.0}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 0.96, test accuracy 0.64
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 8.0}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 0.88, test accuracy 0.81
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': False, 'eps': 10.0}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 0.74, test accuracy 0.74

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 1}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 1, test accuracy 0.94
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 3}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 0.94, test accuracy 0.93
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(knn.KNN({'isKNN': True, 'K': 5}), datasets.DigitData)
Training accuracy 0.92, test accuracy 0.92

WU4: For the digits data, generate train/test curves for varying values of K and epsilon (you figure out what are good ranges, this time). Include those curves: do you see evidence of overfitting and underfitting? Next, using K=5, generate learning curves for this data.

The next part is the "OPTIONAL" part of lab2: The goal here is to look at whether what we found for uniformly random data points holds for naturally occurring data (like the digits data) too! We must hope that it doesn't, otherwise KNN has no hope of working, but let's verify.

The problem is: the digits data is 784 dimensional, period, so it's not obvious how to try "different dimensionalities." For now, we will do the simplest thing possible: if we want to have 128 dimensions, we will just select 128 features randomly.

This is your task, which you can accomplish by munging together and and making appropriate modifications.

WU5: A. First, get a histogram of the raw digits data in 784 dimensions. You'll probably want to use the exampleDistance function from KNN together with the plotting in HighD. B. Extend exampleDistance so that it can subsample features down to some fixed dimensionality. For example, you might write subsampleExampleDistance(x1,x2,D), where D is the target dimensionality. In this function, you should pick D dimensions at random (I would suggest generating a permutation of the number [1..784] and then taking the first D of them), and then compute the distance but only looking at those dimensions. C. Generate an equivalent plot to HighD with D in [2, 8, 32, 128, 512] but for the digits data rather than the random data. Include a copy of both plots and describe the differences.

Perceptron (30%)

This final section is all about using perceptrons to make predictions. I've given you a partial perceptron implementation in

The last implementation you have is for the perceptron; see where you will have to implement part of the nextExample function to make a perceptron-style update.

Once you've implemented this, the magic in the Binary class will handle training on datasets for you, as long as you specify the number of epochs (passes over the training data) to run:

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(perceptron.Perceptron({'numEpoch': 1}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.642857, test accuracy 0.666667
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(perceptron.Perceptron({'numEpoch': 2}), datasets.TennisData)
Training accuracy 0.857143, test accuracy 1

You can view its predictions on the two dimensional data sets:

>>> runClassifier.plotData(datasets.TwoDDiagonal.X, datasets.TwoDDiagonal.Y)
>>> h = perceptron.Perceptron({'numEpoch': 200})
>>> h.train(datasets.TwoDDiagonal.X, datasets.TwoDDiagonal.Y)
>>> h
w=array([  7.3,  18.9]), b=0.0
>>> runClassifier.plotClassifier(array([ 7.3, 18.9]), 0.0)

You should see a linear separator that does a pretty good (but not perfect!) job classifying this data.

Finally, we can try it on the sentiment data:

>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(perceptron.Perceptron({'numEpoch': 1}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.835833, test accuracy 0.755
>>> runClassifier.trainTestSet(perceptron.Perceptron({'numEpoch': 2}), datasets.SentimentData)
Training accuracy 0.955, test accuracy 0.7975

WU6: Using the tools provided, generate (a) a learning curve (x-axis=number of training examples) for the perceptron (5 epochs) on the sentiment data and (b) a plot of number of epochs versus train/test accuracy on the entire dataset.

Play time (10%)

Finally, I have provided some data from I crawled all of their vegan recipes and created a dataset for predicting whether people like the recipe or not, given (a) the title of the recipe and (b) all the words in the ingredient list/procedure. For instance, is a recipe that has high ratings. In order to turn this into a classification problem (instead of regression), I mapped all ratings GREATER THAN the median (3.282) to the positive class and all ratings LESS THAN the median to the negative class.

WU7: What is good about how I mapped the real-valued ratings to binary classes? What is bad about it?

If you look at the data (see data/recipes.all) you'll see the data formatted as: label, then (in all caps) the title, then all the words that appear in the recipe. I have removed stopwords (the, a, for, etc.) and also stemmed words (skillet, skillets, skilletted -> skillet). At the end of each line, you'll see a link to the original recipe so you can look at it.

WU8: Do you expect this data to be linearly separable? Why or why not? Note: there is no RIGHT answer here. I am more interested in whether you can think about the task and make a decision. If you had to pick one of {KNN, DT, Perceptron} to run on this data, what would you pick and why?

The last bit to use what you know about classification to do as well as possible on this problem. You may notice that all of the test examples in RecipeData have label -1. This is because this is TRUE TEST DATA. I have hidden the labels from you. I've also hidden the original URLs. You only have the training and dev data to work with. Your job is to make the best predictions you can. (Yes, you can probably find all these recipes on epicurious and cheat. Don't do that. We will be re-running your code and will notice.)

You should make the best possible predictions you can, and then save them to file with:

>>> Yhat.shape
>>> datasets.savePredictions('yhat.txt', Yhat)

And then hand in that file. Every night at midnight a leaderboard will be computed ( You get credit for the programming part of this section if you tie or beat my submission ("Hal9000"). My submission doesn't do anything fancy: it just uses one of {KNN,DT,Perceptron} with decently chosen hyperparameters. Anyone who beats my baseline by a statistically significant gap (95% confidence) gets 5% extra credit. In addition, the top three teams (again, up to significance) will get 10%, 8% and 5% more extra credit, respectively.

WU9: What did you do?


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