a starting point for hatching ideas.
There are tons of delightful generators and boilerplates out there. This isn't one of them. It's just a skeleton to work out ideas using patterns and tools I enjoy.
Because when I want to get crackin' on an idea, I want to write code instead of reading configuration documentation.
assuming npm, grunt, and bower are available globally:
npm install
bower install
grunt build
for server-side debugging and emulating a production environment:
npm install -g pm2 node-inspector
server-side, start the app in one of the following ways:
npm start
npm run start-dev
to start with node-inspector debugging.
npm run start-prod
to emulate a production environment (uses pm2).
grunt dev
in a separate terminal tab for live-reload goodness.
npm test
for server-side
browse to /client-tests/
for client-side
grunt build
NODE_ENV=test node app
# to serve individual js requests
npm start
# to serve concatenated, but not minified js (default)
npm run start-prod
OR set NODE_ENV=production
# to serve concatenated and minified js