A simple app to find a study space for you needs.
- Docker (+ docker-compose)
- go (https://golang.org/doc/install)
- npm (https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm)
- vue-cli (https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/installation.html)
- buffalo (https://gobuffalo.io/en/docs/installation)
The Frontend is written using vue.js with typescript.
In order to start the frontend run
npm install
npm run serve
in the frontend directory.
Backend is written using golang and buffalo.
To run the backend in development mode just run:
buffalo db create -a -d
buffalo db migrate -d
buffalo dev
This will:
- create all necessary databases
- create the tables in the databases
- start the buffalo app in dev mode
For running the app you also need a database. We use cockroachdb. The easiest way to set it up is using the docker-compose.yml file in infrastructure/cockroachdb.
Simply change the path accordingly and make sure you manually create the path before starting.
Then start the database using:
docker-compose up -d