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mmontin committed Jul 10, 2024
1 parent 3be8732 commit a921612
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Showing 3 changed files with 62 additions and 25 deletions.
49 changes: 30 additions & 19 deletions src/Cooked/MockChain/Balancing.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
-- | This module handles auto-balancing of transaction skeleton. This includes
-- computation of fees and collaterals because their computation cannot be
-- separated from the balancing.
module Cooked.MockChain.Balancing (balanceTxSkel, getMinAndMaxFee, estimateTxSkelFee) where
module Cooked.MockChain.Balancing
( balanceTxSkel,

import Cardano.Api.Ledger qualified as Cardano
import Cardano.Api.Shelley qualified as Cardano
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,16 +65,21 @@ balanceTxSkel skelUnbal@TxSkel {..} = do
-- single transaction fee, which we retrieve.
(minFee, maxFee) <- getMinAndMaxFee

-- We collect collateral inputs. They might be directly provided in the
-- skeleton, or should be retrieved from a given wallet. They are associated
-- with a return collateral wallet, which we retrieve as well.
-- We collect collateral inputs candidates. They might be directly provided in
-- the skeleton, or should be retrieved from a given wallet. They are
-- associated with a return collateral wallet, which we retrieve as well.
(collateralIns, returnCollateralWallet) <- case txOptCollateralUtxos txSkelOpts of
CollateralUtxosFromBalancingWallet -> case balancingWallet of
Nothing -> fail "Can't select collateral utxos from a balancing wallet because it does not exist."
Just bWallet -> (,bWallet) . Set.fromList . map fst <$> runUtxoSearch (onlyValueOutputsAtSearch bWallet)
CollateralUtxosFromWallet cWallet -> (,cWallet) . Set.fromList . map fst <$> runUtxoSearch (onlyValueOutputsAtSearch cWallet)
CollateralUtxosFromSet utxos rWallet -> return (utxos, rWallet)

-- The transaction will only require collaterals when involving scripts.
requireCollaterals <- do
insValidators <- txSkelInputValidators skelUnbal
return $ not $ Map.null txSkelMints && null (mapMaybe txSkelProposalWitness txSkelProposals) && Map.null insValidators

-- At this point, the presence (or absence) of balancing wallet dictates
-- whether the transaction should be automatically balanced or not.
(txSkelBal, fee, adjustedCollateralIns) <- case balancingWallet of
Expand All @@ -79,7 +89,7 @@ balanceTxSkel skelUnbal@TxSkel {..} = do
let fee = case txOptFeePolicy txSkelOpts of
AutoFeeComputation -> maxFee
ManualFee fee' -> fee'
in (skelUnbal,fee,) <$> collateralInsFromFees fee collateralIns returnCollateralWallet
in (skelUnbal,fee,) <$> collateralInsFromFees requireCollaterals fee collateralIns returnCollateralWallet
Just bWallet -> do
-- The balancing should be performed. We collect the balancing utxos and
-- filter out those already used in the unbalanced skeleton.
Expand All @@ -91,11 +101,11 @@ balanceTxSkel skelUnbal@TxSkel {..} = do
-- If fees are left for us to compute, we run a dichotomic search. This
-- is full auto mode, the most powerful but time-consuming.
AutoFeeComputation ->
computeFeeAndBalance bWallet minFee maxFee collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet skelUnbal
computeFeeAndBalance requireCollaterals bWallet minFee maxFee collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet skelUnbal
-- If fee are provided manually, we adjust the collaterals and the
-- skeleton around them directly.
ManualFee fee -> do
adjustedCollateralIns <- collateralInsFromFees fee collateralIns returnCollateralWallet
adjustedCollateralIns <- collateralInsFromFees requireCollaterals fee collateralIns returnCollateralWallet
attemptedSkel <- computeBalancedTxSkel bWallet balancingUtxos skelUnbal fee
return (attemptedSkel, fee, adjustedCollateralIns)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,22 +138,22 @@ getMinAndMaxFee = do

-- | Computes optimal fee for a given skeleton and balances it around those fees.
-- This uses a dichotomic search for an optimal "balanceable around" fee.
computeFeeAndBalance :: (MonadBlockChainBalancing m) => Wallet -> Fee -> Fee -> Collaterals -> BalancingOutputs -> Wallet -> TxSkel -> m (TxSkel, Fee, Collaterals)
computeFeeAndBalance _ minFee maxFee _ _ _ _
computeFeeAndBalance :: (MonadBlockChainBalancing m) => Bool -> Wallet -> Fee -> Fee -> Collaterals -> BalancingOutputs -> Wallet -> TxSkel -> m (TxSkel, Fee, Collaterals)
computeFeeAndBalance _ _ minFee maxFee _ _ _ _
| minFee > maxFee =
throwError $ FailWith "Unreachable case, please report a bug at"
computeFeeAndBalance balancingWallet minFee maxFee collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet skel
computeFeeAndBalance requireCollaterals balancingWallet minFee maxFee collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet skel
| minFee == maxFee = do
-- The fee interval is reduced to a single element, we balance around it
(adjustedCollateralIns, attemptedSkel) <- attemptBalancingAndCollaterals balancingWallet collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet minFee skel
(adjustedCollateralIns, attemptedSkel) <- attemptBalancingAndCollaterals requireCollaterals balancingWallet collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet minFee skel
return (attemptedSkel, minFee, adjustedCollateralIns)
computeFeeAndBalance balancingWallet minFee maxFee collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet skel
computeFeeAndBalance requireCollaterals balancingWallet minFee maxFee collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet skel
| fee <- (minFee + maxFee) `div` 2 = do
-- The fee interval is larger than a single element. We attempt to balance
-- around its central point, which can fail due to missing value in
-- balancing utxos or collateral utxos.
attemptedBalancing <- catchError
(Just <$> attemptBalancingAndCollaterals balancingWallet collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet fee skel)
(Just <$> attemptBalancingAndCollaterals requireCollaterals balancingWallet collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet fee skel)
$ \case
-- If it fails, and the remaining fee interval is not reduced to the
-- current fee attempt, we return `Nothing` which signifies that we
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,22 +188,22 @@ computeFeeAndBalance balancingWallet minFee maxFee collateralIns balancingUtxos
-- fee of the input skeleton.
_ -> (minFee, newFee)

computeFeeAndBalance balancingWallet newMinFee newMaxFee collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet skel
computeFeeAndBalance requireCollaterals balancingWallet newMinFee newMaxFee collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet skel

-- | Helper function to group the two real steps of the balancing: balance a
-- skeleton around a given fee, and compute the associated collateral inputs
attemptBalancingAndCollaterals :: (MonadBlockChainBalancing m) => Wallet -> Collaterals -> BalancingOutputs -> Wallet -> Fee -> TxSkel -> m (Collaterals, TxSkel)
attemptBalancingAndCollaterals balancingWallet collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet fee skel = do
adjustedCollateralIns <- collateralInsFromFees fee collateralIns returnCollateralWallet
attemptBalancingAndCollaterals :: (MonadBlockChainBalancing m) => Bool -> Wallet -> Collaterals -> BalancingOutputs -> Wallet -> Fee -> TxSkel -> m (Collaterals, TxSkel)
attemptBalancingAndCollaterals requireCollaterals balancingWallet collateralIns balancingUtxos returnCollateralWallet fee skel = do
adjustedCollateralIns <- collateralInsFromFees requireCollaterals fee collateralIns returnCollateralWallet
attemptedSkel <- computeBalancedTxSkel balancingWallet balancingUtxos skel fee
return (adjustedCollateralIns, attemptedSkel)

-- | This selects a subset of suitable collateral inputs from a given set while
-- accounting for the ratio to respect between fees and total collaterals, the
-- min ada requirements in the associated return collateral and the maximum
-- number of collateral inputs authorized by protocol parameters.
collateralInsFromFees :: (MonadBlockChainBalancing m) => Fee -> Collaterals -> Wallet -> m Collaterals
collateralInsFromFees fee collateralIns returnCollateralWallet = do
collateralInsFromFees :: (MonadBlockChainBalancing m) => Bool -> Fee -> Collaterals -> Wallet -> m Collaterals
collateralInsFromFees True fee collateralIns returnCollateralWallet = do
-- We retrieve the max number of collateral inputs, with a default of 10. In
-- practice this will be around 3.
nbMax <- toInteger . fromMaybe 10 . Cardano.protocolParamMaxCollateralInputs . Emulator.pProtocolParams <$> getParams
Expand All @@ -211,6 +221,7 @@ collateralInsFromFees fee collateralIns returnCollateralWallet = do
let noSuitableCollateralError = MCENoSuitableCollateral fee percentage totalCollateral
-- Retrieving and returning the best candidate as a utxo set
Set.fromList . fst <$> getOptimalCandidate candidatesRaw returnCollateralWallet noSuitableCollateralError
collateralInsFromFees False _ _ _ = return Set.empty

-- | The main computing function for optimal balancing and collaterals. It
-- computes the subsets of a set of UTxOs that sum up to a certain target. It
Expand Down
16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions src/Cooked/MockChain/GenerateTx/Body.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ import Cooked.MockChain.GenerateTx.Input qualified as Input
import Cooked.MockChain.GenerateTx.Mint qualified as Mint
import Cooked.MockChain.GenerateTx.Output qualified as Output
import Cooked.MockChain.GenerateTx.Proposal qualified as Proposal
import Cooked.Output
import Cooked.Skeleton
import Cooked.Wallet
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import Ledger.Address qualified as Ledger
import Ledger.Tx qualified as Ledger
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,11 +65,19 @@ txSkelToBodyContent skel@TxSkel {..} | txSkelReferenceInputs <- txSkelReferenceT
"txSkelToBodyContent: Unable to translate reference inputs."
(Cardano.TxInsReference Cardano.BabbageEraOnwardsConway)
$ mapM Ledger.toCardanoTxIn txSkelReferenceInputs
(txInsCollateral, txTotalCollateral, txReturnCollateral) <- liftTxGen Collateral.toCollateralTriplet
(txInsCollateral, txTotalCollateral, txReturnCollateral) <- do
refs <- asks managedTxOuts
txOuts <- forM (Map.keys txSkelIns) $ flip (throwOnLookup "txSkelToBodyContent: Unable to resolve input utxo.") refs
if not $
null (mapMaybe isScriptOutput txOuts)
&& Map.null txSkelMints
&& null (mapMaybe txSkelProposalWitness txSkelProposals)
then liftTxGen Collateral.toCollateralTriplet
else return (Cardano.TxInsCollateralNone, Cardano.TxTotalCollateralNone, Cardano.TxReturnCollateralNone)
txOuts <- mapM (liftTxGen . Output.toCardanoTxOut) txSkelOuts
(txValidityLowerBound, txValidityUpperBound) <-
"txSkelToBodyContent: Unable to translate transaction validity range"
"txSkelToBodyContent: Unable to translate transaction validity range."
$ Ledger.toCardanoValidityRange txSkelValidityRange
txMintValue <- liftTxGen $ Mint.toMintValue txSkelMints
txExtraKeyWits <-
Expand All @@ -89,7 +99,7 @@ txSkelToBodyContent skel@TxSkel {..} | txSkelReferenceInputs <- txSkelReferenceT
txCertificates = Cardano.TxCertificatesNone -- That's what plutus-apps does as well
txUpdateProposal = Cardano.TxUpdateProposalNone -- That's what plutus-apps does as well
txScriptValidity = Cardano.TxScriptValidityNone -- That's what plutus-apps does as well
txVotingProcedures = Nothing -- TODO, same as above
txVotingProcedures = Nothing
return Cardano.TxBodyContent {..}

-- | Generates a transaction for a skeleton. We first generate a body and we
Expand Down
22 changes: 19 additions & 3 deletions tests/Cooked/BalancingSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ testingBalancingTemplate toBobValue toAliceValue spendSearch balanceSearch colla
then CollateralUtxosFromBalancingWallet
else CollateralUtxosFromSet (Set.fromList toCollateralUtxos) alice
txSkelSigners = [alice]
txSkelSigners = [alice],
txSkelProposals =
[ simpleTxSkelProposal alice (TxGovActionTreasuryWithdrawals Map.empty)
`withWitness` (alwaysTrueProposingValidator, TxSkelNoRedeemer)
(skel', fee, cols, _) <- balanceTxSkel skel
void $ validateTxSkel skel
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,6 +135,10 @@ noBalanceMaxFee = do
txOptFeePolicy = AutoFeeComputation,
txOptCollateralUtxos = CollateralUtxosFromSet (Set.singleton txOutRef) alice
txSkelProposals =
[ simpleTxSkelProposal alice (TxGovActionTreasuryWithdrawals Map.empty)
`withWitness` (alwaysTrueProposingValidator, TxSkelNoRedeemer)
txSkelSigners = [alice]

Expand All @@ -139,7 +147,11 @@ balanceReduceFee = do
let skelAutoFee =
{ txSkelOuts = [paysPK bob (ada 50)],
txSkelSigners = [alice]
txSkelSigners = [alice],
txSkelProposals =
[ simpleTxSkelProposal alice (TxGovActionTreasuryWithdrawals Map.empty)
`withWitness` (alwaysTrueProposingValidator, TxSkelNoRedeemer)
(skelBalanced, feeBalanced, cols, rColWal) <- balanceTxSkel skelAutoFee
feeBalanced' <- estimateTxSkelFee skelBalanced feeBalanced cols rColWal
Expand All @@ -165,7 +177,11 @@ reachingMagic = do
txSkelOpts =
{ txOptBalancingUtxos = BalancingUtxosFromSet (Set.fromList bananaOutRefs)
txSkelProposals =
[ simpleTxSkelProposal alice (TxGovActionTreasuryWithdrawals Map.empty)
`withWitness` (alwaysTrueProposingValidator, TxSkelNoRedeemer)

type ResProp prop = TestBalancingOutcome -> prop
Expand Down

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