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Use stricter verifications before marking an attribute as constant (#710
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* Use stricter verifications before marking an attribute as constant. Do not trigger any warnings when pydoctor cannot make sense of a potential constant attribute.

Fix #623

* Say that pydoctor is not a checker.
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tristanlatr authored Sep 9, 2023
1 parent 44a1a39 commit 0eab64f
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scope when possible, when impossible, the theoretical runtime scopes are used. A warning can
be reported when an annotation name is ambiguous (can be resolved to different names
depending on the scope context) with option ``-v``.
* Use stricter verification before marking an attribute as constant:
- instance variables are never marked as constant
- a variable that has several definitions will not be marked as constant
- a variable declaration under any kind of control flow block will not be marked as constant
* Do not trigger warnings when pydoctor cannot make sense of a potential constant attribute
(pydoctor is not a static checker).
* Fix presentation of type aliases in string form.
* Improve the AST colorizer to output less parenthesis when it's not required.
* Fix colorization of dictionary unpacking.
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187 changes: 108 additions & 79 deletions pydoctor/
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from pydoctor import epydoc2stan, model, node2stan, extensions, linker
from pydoctor.epydoc.markup._pyval_repr import colorize_inline_pyval
from pydoctor.astutils import (is_none_literal, is_typing_annotation, is_using_annotations, is_using_typing_final, node2dottedname, node2fullname,
is__name__equals__main__, unstring_annotation, iterassign, extract_docstring_linenum,
is__name__equals__main__, unstring_annotation, iterassign, extract_docstring_linenum, get_parents,
NodeVisitor, Parentage)

def parseFile(path: Path) -> ast.Module:
"""Parse the contents of a Python source file."""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,18 +60,34 @@ def _handleAliasing(
ctx._localNameToFullName_map[target] = full_name
return True

def is_constant(obj: model.Attribute) -> bool:

_CONTROL_FLOW_BLOCKS:Tuple[Type[ast.stmt],...] = (ast.If, ast.While, ast.For, ast.Try,
ast.AsyncFor, ast.With, ast.AsyncWith)
AST types that introduces a new control flow block, potentially conditionnal.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
_CONTROL_FLOW_BLOCKS += (ast.Match,)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
_CONTROL_FLOW_BLOCKS += (ast.TryStar,)

def is_constant(obj: model.Attribute,
value:Optional[ast.expr]) -> bool:
Detect if the given assignment is a constant.
To detect whether a assignment is a constant, this checks two things:
- all-caps variable name
- typing.Final annotation
For an assignment to be detected as constant, it should:
- have all-caps variable name or using L{typing.Final} annotation
- not be overriden
- not be defined in a conditionnal block or any other kind of control flow blocks
@note: Must be called after setting obj.annotation to detect variables using Final.

return or is_using_typing_final(obj.annotation, obj)
if not is_attribute_overridden(obj, value) and value:
if not any(isinstance(n, _CONTROL_FLOW_BLOCKS) for n in get_parents(value)):
return or is_using_typing_final(annotation, obj)
return False

class TypeAliasVisitorExt(extensions.ModuleVisitorExt):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,6 +184,7 @@ def visit_If(self, node: ast.If) -> None:

def visit_Module(self, node: ast.Module) -> None:
assert self.module.docstring is None

self.builder.push(self.module, 0)
if len(node.body) > 0 and isinstance(node.body[0], ast.Expr) and isinstance(node.body[0].value, ast.Str):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -454,39 +471,28 @@ def _handleOldSchoolMethodDecoration(self, target: str, expr: Optional[ast.expr]
target_obj.kind = model.DocumentableKind.CLASS_METHOD
return True
return False

def _warnsConstantAssigmentOverride(self, obj: model.Attribute, lineno_offset: int) -> None:'Assignment to constant "{}" overrides previous assignment '
f'at line {obj.linenumber}, the original value will not be part of the docs.',
section='ast', lineno_offset=lineno_offset)

def _warnsConstantReAssigmentInInstance(self, obj: model.Attribute, lineno_offset: int = 0) -> None:'Assignment to constant "{}" inside an instance is ignored, this value will not be part of the docs.',
section='ast', lineno_offset=lineno_offset)

def _handleConstant(self, obj: model.Attribute, value: Optional[ast.expr], lineno: int) -> None:
"""Must be called after obj.setLineNumber() to have the right line number in the warning."""

if is_attribute_overridden(obj, value):

if obj.kind in (model.DocumentableKind.CONSTANT,
# Module/Class level warning, regular override.
self._warnsConstantAssigmentOverride(obj=obj, lineno_offset=lineno-obj.linenumber)
# Instance level warning caught at the time of the constant detection.

obj.value = value

obj.kind = model.DocumentableKind.CONSTANT

# A hack to to display variables annotated with Final with the real type instead.
if is_using_typing_final(obj.annotation, obj):
if isinstance(obj.annotation, ast.Subscript):
def _handleConstant(cls, obj:model.Attribute,
defaultKind:model.DocumentableKind) -> None:
if is_constant(obj, annotation=annotation, value=value):
obj.kind = model.DocumentableKind.CONSTANT
cls._tweakConstantAnnotation(obj=obj, annotation=annotation,
value=value, lineno=lineno)
elif obj.kind is model.DocumentableKind.CONSTANT:
obj.kind = defaultKind

def _tweakConstantAnnotation(obj: model.Attribute, annotation:Optional[ast.expr],
value: Optional[ast.expr], lineno: int) -> None:
# Display variables annotated with Final with the real type instead.
if is_using_typing_final(annotation, obj):
if isinstance(annotation, ast.Subscript):
annotation = extract_final_subscript(obj.annotation)
annotation = extract_final_subscript(annotation)
except ValueError as e:, section='ast', lineno_offset=lineno-obj.linenumber)
obj.annotation = _infer_type(value) if value else None
Expand All @@ -498,21 +504,46 @@ def _handleConstant(self, obj: model.Attribute, value: Optional[ast.expr], linen
# Simply ignore it because it's duplication of information.
obj.annotation = _infer_type(value) if value else None

def _storeAttrValue(obj:model.Attribute, new_value:Optional[ast.expr],
augassign:Optional[ast.operator]=None) -> None:
if new_value:
if augassign:
if obj.value:
# We're storing the value of augmented assignemnt value as binop for the sake
# of correctness, but we're not doing anything special with it at the
# moment, nonethless this could be useful for future developments.
# We don't bother reporting warnings, pydoctor is not a checker.
obj.value = ast.BinOp(left=obj.value, op=augassign, right=new_value)
obj.value = new_value

def _storeCurrentAttr(self, obj:model.Attribute,
augassign:Optional[object]=None) -> None:
if not augassign:
self.builder.currentAttr = obj
self.builder.currentAttr = None

def _handleModuleVar(self,
target: str,
annotation: Optional[ast.expr],
expr: Optional[ast.expr],
lineno: int
lineno: int,
) -> None:
# This is metadata, not a variable that needs to be documented,
# and therefore doesn't need an Attribute instance.
parent = self.builder.current
obj = parent.contents.get(target)

if obj is None:
obj = self.builder.addAttribute(name=target, kind=None, parent=parent)
if augassign:
obj = self.builder.addAttribute(name=target,

# If it's not an attribute it means that the name is already denifed as function/class
# probably meaning that this attribute is a bound callable.
Expand All @@ -534,32 +565,29 @@ def _handleModuleVar(self,
obj.annotation = annotation

if is_constant(obj):
self._handleConstant(obj=obj, value=expr, lineno=lineno)
obj.kind = model.DocumentableKind.VARIABLE
# We store the expr value for all Attribute in order to be able to
# check if they have been initialized or not.
obj.value = expr

self.builder.currentAttr = obj
self._handleConstant(obj, annotation, expr, lineno,
self._storeAttrValue(obj, expr, augassign)
self._storeCurrentAttr(obj, augassign)

def _handleAssignmentInModule(self,
target: str,
annotation: Optional[ast.expr],
expr: Optional[ast.expr],
lineno: int
lineno: int,
) -> None:
module = self.builder.current
assert isinstance(module, model.Module)
if not _handleAliasing(module, target, expr):
self._handleModuleVar(target, annotation, expr, lineno)
self._handleModuleVar(target, annotation, expr, lineno, augassign=augassign)

def _handleClassVar(self,
name: str,
annotation: Optional[ast.expr],
expr: Optional[ast.expr],
lineno: int
lineno: int,
) -> None:
cls = self.builder.current
assert isinstance(cls, model.Class)
Expand All @@ -570,6 +598,8 @@ def _handleClassVar(self,
obj = cast(Optional[model.Attribute], cls.contents.get(name))

if obj is None:
if augassign:
obj = self.builder.addAttribute(name=name, kind=None, parent=cls)

if obj.kind is None:
Expand All @@ -582,12 +612,10 @@ def _handleClassVar(self,
obj.annotation = annotation

if is_constant(obj):
self._handleConstant(obj=obj, value=expr, lineno=lineno)
obj.value = expr

self.builder.currentAttr = obj
self._handleConstant(obj, annotation, expr, lineno,
self._storeAttrValue(obj, expr, augassign)
self._storeCurrentAttr(obj, augassign)

def _handleInstanceVar(self,
name: str,
Expand All @@ -607,35 +635,29 @@ def _handleInstanceVar(self,
# Class variables can only be Attribute, so it's OK to cast because we used _maybeAttribute() above.
obj = cast(Optional[model.Attribute], cls.contents.get(name))
if obj is None:

obj = self.builder.addAttribute(name=name, kind=None, parent=cls)

if annotation is None and expr is not None:
annotation = _infer_type(expr)

obj.annotation = annotation

# Maybe an instance variable overrides a constant,
# so we check before setting the kind to INSTANCE_VARIABLE.
if obj.kind is model.DocumentableKind.CONSTANT:
self._warnsConstantReAssigmentInInstance(obj, lineno_offset=lineno-obj.linenumber)
obj.kind = model.DocumentableKind.INSTANCE_VARIABLE
obj.value = expr

self.builder.currentAttr = obj
# undonditionnaly set the kind to ivar
obj.kind = model.DocumentableKind.INSTANCE_VARIABLE
self._storeAttrValue(obj, expr)

def _handleAssignmentInClass(self,
target: str,
annotation: Optional[ast.expr],
expr: Optional[ast.expr],
lineno: int
lineno: int,
) -> None:
cls = self.builder.current
assert isinstance(cls, model.Class)
if not _handleAliasing(cls, target, expr):
self._handleClassVar(target, annotation, expr, lineno)
self._handleClassVar(target, annotation, expr, lineno, augassign=augassign)

def _handleDocstringUpdate(self,
targetNode: ast.expr,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -689,17 +711,18 @@ def _handleAssignment(self,
targetNode: ast.expr,
annotation: Optional[ast.expr],
expr: Optional[ast.expr],
lineno: int
lineno: int,
) -> None:
if isinstance(targetNode, ast.Name):
target =
scope = self.builder.current
if isinstance(scope, model.Module):
self._handleAssignmentInModule(target, annotation, expr, lineno)
self._handleAssignmentInModule(target, annotation, expr, lineno, augassign=augassign)
elif isinstance(scope, model.Class):
if not self._handleOldSchoolMethodDecoration(target, expr):
self._handleAssignmentInClass(target, annotation, expr, lineno)
elif isinstance(targetNode, ast.Attribute):
if augassign or not self._handleOldSchoolMethodDecoration(target, expr):
self._handleAssignmentInClass(target, annotation, expr, lineno, augassign=augassign)
elif isinstance(targetNode, ast.Attribute) and not augassign:
value = targetNode.value
if targetNode.attr == '__doc__':
self._handleDocstringUpdate(value, expr, lineno)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -728,6 +751,10 @@ def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign) -> None:
def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign) -> None:
annotation = unstring_annotation(node.annotation, self.builder.current)
self._handleAssignment(, annotation, node.value, node.lineno)

def visit_AugAssign(self, node:ast.AugAssign) -> None:
self._handleAssignment(, None, node.value,
node.lineno, augassign=node.op)

def visit_Expr(self, node: ast.Expr) -> None:
value = node.value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -904,7 +931,9 @@ def _handlePropertyDef(self,
lineno: int
) -> model.Attribute:

attr = self.builder.addAttribute(, kind=model.DocumentableKind.PROPERTY, parent=self.builder.current)
attr = self.builder.addAttribute(,

if docstring is not None:
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31 changes: 29 additions & 2 deletions pydoctor/
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import platform
import sys
from numbers import Number
from typing import Iterator, Optional, List, Iterable, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Union
from typing import Iterator, Optional, List, Iterable, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Union, cast
from inspect import BoundArguments, Signature
import ast

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,4 +402,31 @@ def extract_docstring(node: ast.Str) -> Tuple[int, str]:
- The docstring to be parsed, cleaned by L{inspect.cleandoc}.
lineno = extract_docstring_linenum(node)
return lineno, inspect.cleandoc(node.s)
return lineno, inspect.cleandoc(node.s)

class Parentage(ast.NodeTransformer):
Add C{parent} attribute to ast nodes instances.
# stolen from
parent: Optional[ast.AST] = None

def visit(self, node: ast.AST) -> ast.AST:
setattr(node, 'parent', self.parent)
self.parent = node
node = super().visit(node)
if isinstance(node, ast.AST):
self.parent = getattr(node, 'parent')
return node

def get_parents(node:ast.AST) -> Iterator[ast.AST]:
Once nodes have the C{.parent} attribute with {Parentage}, use this function
to get a iterator on all parents of the given node up to the root module.
def _yield_parents(n:Optional[ast.AST]) -> Iterator[ast.AST]:
if n:
yield n
p = cast(ast.AST, getattr(n, 'parent', None))
yield from _yield_parents(p)
yield from _yield_parents(getattr(node, 'parent', None))

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