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Development Environment Setup

Michelle Erica edited this page Mar 18, 2019 · 3 revisions

Setting up the Development Environment

For LevelUp, we will be using an online development environment (online Integrated Development Environment or online IDE, for short) called Gitpod to build the watch app.

Gitpod is a cloud based IDE that allows teams to work on a common git repository. As it is cloud based, it doesn't matter what type of laptop ('development machine') you use (ie Mac vs Windows vs Linux), nor do you need to install software locally to get started.

Setting up Gitpod

Note: Your trainers will provide you with the full URL for your project

  1. Add to the start of the github link of your team's repo<teamname>

    Optionally, you can download the Gitpod chrome extension. This adds a link on your github repo that will automatically take you to the development environment. No typing needed!!!

    This can be downloaded from here

    Now when you go to your teams repo, you should see something like this

    Alt Text

  2. Click Login with Github and launch workspace

  3. Authorize Typefox (the makers of gitpod), to access your github account. This allows them to make commits on your behalf.

  4. After this, there may be a small load time and you will be redirected to the online IDE.

  5. You'll need to wait a little longer while your dependencies install (something like this will appear at the bottom of the page. It's ok, you haven't been hacked).

> ./go install
> }; HISTFILE=/workspace/.cmd-0 history -r
It looks like this is your first time trying to run the app.
Before you start, I need to set a few things up for you.


Alt text

The Editor (the red sqaure)

This is where you will write the actual code that controls the watch application

The Terminal (the blue square)

This is where you can run commands that will test, compile and run your application. From a more technical perspective, this is a bash terminal running in a docker enviorment. Test this out by running ./go start
You will notice a blue bar at the top of your screen, like this: Alt text Click on "Open Browser" and you should see the Watch App ✨✨

You will get more familiar with the terminal as you progress through the tutorials and have more some hands on experience

The Project Explorer (the purple square)

This shows you all the files in the git repository. You will mainly be working in the client folder, but feel free to look at any of the other files. One of the amazing things about git is that is nearly impossible to make a change that you can't undo (as long as you don't git push but more on that later).