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Terry Wilson edited this page Sep 17, 2014 · 1 revision

f7_bar_link - Bar Item Link

This renders an individual link component of a navbar/toolbar.


f7_bar_link title, options, &block
f7_bar_link options, &block

Supported options

As well as all the usual HTML options, you have these extra, helper specific options:

  • :title - Optional, used if the options are the first parameter.
  • :href - Optional, if omitted, a # is assumed (i.e. for javascript events).
  • :icon - Optional, the class of the icon.
  • :badge - Optional, text/hash for a badge. Hash values:
    • :text - Value to display in the badge.
    • :class - Optional, additional class for badge styling.

:title is only rendered in a toolbar or tabbar with labels.


If f7_bar_link is rendered inside a navbar/toolbar, it is decorated with the link class. If inside a tabbar, then it is decorated with a tab-link class.


The quickest way to output a text link is to specify it's url on the bar item, and it's done.

<%= f7_bar_link 'Profile', :href => '/profile' %>
<a href="/profile" class="link">Profile</a>

Links with icons + text

Assuming the link is in a 'tab bar with labels'

<%= f7_bar_link 'Me', :href => '/profile', :icon => :profile %>
<a href="/profile" class="link">
    <i class="icon profile"></i>

Links with icons only

If you don't want any text, just leave out the title altogether, or set it to an empty string or nil. It will look a bit weird if inside a tab bar with labels'.

<%= f7_bar_link :href => '/menu', :icon => :bars %>
<a href="/menu" class="link icon-only">
    <i class="icon icon-bars"></i>

Links with badge (text value)

If you specify a non-hash value, it renders the value in a red badge.

<%= f7_bar_link 'Mail', ':href => '/messages', :icon => :mail, :badge => 5 %> 
<a href="/messages" class="link">
      <i class="icon mail">
          <span class="badge badge-red">5</span>
      <span class="tabbar-label">Mail</span>

Links with badge (hash)

If you need a bit more control, you can specify the badge as a hash.

<%= f7_bar_link 'Mail', ':href => '/messages', :icon => :mail, :badge => { :text => 5, :class => red } %> 
<a href="/messages" class="link">
      <i class="icon mail">
          <span class="badge red">5</span>
      <span class="tabbar-label">Mail</span>

Framework7 Documentation

Navbars & Toolbars