title | description | tags | ||||||
TaskBot |
Taskbot is a chatbot that uses OpenAI's GPT-3 language model to generate responses to user messages. It is built using the Lark API and runs on the Gin web framework. |
- Gin
- Go
Configuration Taskbot is configured using environment variables:
- APP_I-D: The App ID for the Lark API.
- APP_SECRET: The App Secret for the Lark API.
- ENCRYPT_KEY: The Encrypt Key for the Lark API.
- VERIFICATION_TOKEN: The Verification Token for the Lark API.
- BOT_NAME: The name of the chatbot.
- GIN_MODE: The Gin mode (debug or release).
- PORT: The port on which to listen for incoming requests.
- HTTP_PORT: The HTTP port on which to listen for incoming requests.
- OPENAI_API_KEY: The API Key for the OpenAI API.
To use Taskbot, add it as a contact in your Lark workspace and start a one-on-one chat with it. Taskbot will respond to your messages using OpenAI's GPT-3 language model.
Implementation Taskbot is built using the following technologies:
- Go: The programming language used to write Taskbot.
- Lark API: The API used to interact with Lark.
- Gin: The web framework used to handle incoming requests.
- OpenAI API: The API used to generate responses to user messages.
Taskbot is licensed under the MIT License.
- Connect to your Railway project
railway link
- Start the development server
railway run go run main.go
Taskbot是一个聊天机器人,使用OpenAI的GPT-3语言模型生成用户消息的响应。它使用Lark API构建,并在Gin Web框架上运行。
Taskbot在一对一聊天中监听消息,并使用OpenAI API生成响应。生成的响应将发送回聊天中的用户。
- APP_ID:Lark API的App ID。
- APP_SECRET:Lark API的App Secret。
- ENCRYPT_KEY:Lark API的Encrypt Key。
- VERIFICATION_TOKEN:Lark API的Verification Token。
- BOT_NAME:聊天机器人的名称。
- GIN_MODE:Gin模式(debug或release)。
- PORT:监听传入请求的端口。
- HTTP_PORT:监听传入请求的HTTP端口。
要使用Taskbot,请将其添加为Lark工作区中的联系人,并开始与其进行一对一聊天。 Taskbot将使用OpenAI的GPT-3语言模型响应您的消息。
- Go:编写Taskbot使用的编程语言。
- Lark API:用于与Lark进行交互的API。
- Gin:用于处理传入请求的Web框架。
- OpenAI API:用于生成用户消息响应的API。