A simple React Native App using Redux for State Management to display existing Pokemons and with functionality to add and delete new Pokemons. Clicking on pokemon name gives additional detail.
- git clone https://github.com/txtasad/pokedex.reactnative.git
- in your folder root npm i or npm install
- cd ios then pod install
- **installing podfiles is necessary for ios app to work, not required if you want just android
- App shows existing pokemons.
- Sort Pokemons by their english names in ascending or descending order
- Navigation pannel in the bottom has 2 option to add and view only newly added pokemons.
- Each card has option to delete existing and added pokemon.
- App uses Redux for state management.
App follows below structure:
- navigation
- Navigation.js Contains all app navigation routes to all app screens.
- reducers
- pokemonReducer: Redux reducer for add, delete, modilfy pokemon actions.
- actions
- type: Defines all action types ex- add pokemon, delete..
- pokemons: Specifies Redux actions for all action types defined.
- api
- ApiClient: Here you can specifiy your repository and api call to fetch existing api data, in this case an existing dummy function to return json values.
- screens
- Has all ui screens of the app.