A web-based dynamic flashcard study app created as a team project for the CU CSPB 3308 Software Development Methods and Tools Summer 2022 course
- Thomas Lees, ThomasJHLees
- Tyler Kinkade, tyknkd
- Janet Matthews-Derrico, j-derrico
- Atreyu Sutton, asutton01
- Minimum viable product flashcard web app
- User authentication
- Flashcard deck creation/editing
- Flashcard creation/upload
- Flashcard viewing for study
- Unit testing
- Database
- Web app
- Production deployment (Heroku)
- Conversion to PostgreSQL
- Improve unit test coverage
- Spaced-repetition flashcard review
- Auto-fill deck/card editing forms with existing values
- Data does not persist due to use of SQLite on Heroku