Web service handling RESTful requests.
Data is stored in a document oriented manner. The databaser is a JSON file storing information for each country. Example row looks as follows:
"country": "Bulgaria",
"others": [
"code": "Montenegro", "color": "orange"
"code": "Serbia", "color": "red"
"code": "Macedonia", "color": "green"
"code": "Greece", "color": "green"
"code": "Romania", "color": "red"
For a given country returns json with countries and corresponding color. Example of GET request with curl:
curl GET http://localhost:8080/countries/Poland
Allows to add entry to database with given json file. Example of POST request with curl:
curl http://localhost:8080/countries \
--include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request "POST" \
--data '{"country": "Bulgaria",
"others": [
"code": "Montenegro", "color": "orange"
"code": "Serbia", "color": "red"
"code": "Macedonia", "color": "green"
"code": "Greece", "color": "green"
"code": "Romania", "color": "red"
Update existing entry with given json file. Entry must exists. Example of POST request with curl:
curl http://localhost:8080/countries \
--include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request "PUT" \
--data '{"country": "Bulgaria",
"others": [
"code": "Montenegro", "color": "orange"
"code": "Serbia", "color": "red"
"code": "Macedonia", "color": "green"
"code": "Greece", "color": "green"
"code": "Romania", "color": "red"
Deletes given country from database. Example of DELETE request with curl:
curl DELETE http://localhost:8080/countries/Poland