zootools is a library to help speed up SDK development of Decentraland scenes.
To use any of the helpers provided by this library:
Install the dependencies as an npm package. Run this command in your scene's project folder:
npm install dcldash@latest zootools@latest -B
Make sure tsconfig.json is properly set up. Also see tsconfig.json example
{ "compilerOptions": { "outFile": "./bin/game.js", "allowJs": true, "strict": true, "noLib": false, "paths": { "dcldash": [ "node_modules\\dcldash\\dist\\index.d.ts", "node_modules/dcldash/dist/index.d.ts", "./node_modules/dcldash/dist/index.d.ts", ], "zootools": [ "node_modules\\zootools\\dist\\index.d.ts", "node_modules/zootools/dist/index.d.ts", "./node_modules/zootools/dist/index.d.ts", ] }, "baseUrl": "." }, "include": [ "src/**/*.ts" ], "extends": "./node_modules/decentraland-ecs/types/tsconfig.json", "compileOnSave": false }
Add this line at the start of your game.ts file:
import { AlertSystem } from 'zootools'; const alertSystem = new AlertSystem(); alertSystem.new(`hello world`, 30000);
Coming soon
This scene is protected with a standard Apache 2 licence. See the terms and conditions in the LICENSE file.