Simple include image upload into your react project
- npm install react-image-input
- import 'react-image-input'
- Image-input field
- formsy-react input field
- universal image select and preview component
@param {string} [savedImage] - url to image that is already saved
savedImage: PropTypes.string,
@param {function} [defaultImage] - React component that renders placeholder if savedImage is not provided
defaultImage: PropTypes.oneOfType([
PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object,
@param {function} onFileSelect - will be called when image selection process is completed. Returns an array of Blobs
onFileSelect: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
@param {function} [onError] - callback called when user select wrong fileType
onError: PropTypes.func,
@param {bool} [isUploading] - state of uploading of the image be called when left button is pressed
isUploading: PropTypes.bool,
@param {function} onImageDelete - callback called when deleteImage button pressed
onImageDelete: PropTypes.func,
@param {object} [options] - options for the component
@param {array} [options.allowedFileTypes = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif']] - allowed file types in form of 'image/jpeg'
@param {bool} [options.fullWidth = false] - format of the image to be displayed
@param {bool} [options.resize = true] - resize image before upload
@param {number} [options.maxHeight = 300] - max value for height of resized image in px
@param {number} [options.maxWidth = 400] - max value for width of resized image in px
@crop {bool} [options.crop = true] - crop image before upload
@param {number} [options.cropAspectRatio = 1] - cropAspectRatio
@param {bool} [options.immediateUpload = false] - upload image immediately
@param {bool} [multipleUpload = false] - able to select and upload multiple images at once is supported only if no crop applied
options: PropTypes.object,
Made with the help of juliancwirko/react-npm-boilerplate package