Presented by Developers Student Club UBC
Welcome to our github workshop! This repo contains code that will be used in the demos. Please fork this repository so you can work alongside us :)
What you need to prepare before the demo:
- Install Git and have a github account ready
- Make sure you have access to your firebase console through your gmail account.
- Install npm (node.js).
- Install firebase dev tools.
npm install -g firebase-tools
- Have your favourite IDE or text editor handy
The code in this repository is a super simple webapp that fetches random programming jokes from a RESTful API ( using a jQuery ajax request.
Since this workshop isn't focused on the code itself, this webapp will act as a sample for us to demo deployment later on.
What we'll cover
- The Basics:
- What is git/github?
- Common commands
- Demo usage with this starter code
- Github Pages:
- What is ghpages and what can you do with it?
- Demo deploying a generic react template to github pages.
- Github Actions/Firebase
- Automation with github actions
- Deployment to Firebase
We hope that through this workshop you'll learn about github/git basics, useful use cases, and how you can deploy your hackathon projects for collaboration and presentations.