This repository provides two methods for XML transformation:
- An HTTP API powered by Apache Camel.
- A CLI tool
The API depends on HTTP accessible resources. For example, XML binaries stored in a Trellis Repository.
The API can be accessed like this:
$ curl "http://localhost:9095/xml?format=marc21&context=http://localhost:8080/repository/node/collection/DE15/buchhandschriften/res/MS_1033.xml"
is an HTTP accessible resource. Currently, only METS/MODS XML formatted documents are supported.format
can be one of three values (mods, marc21, bibframe).
$ gradle installDist
$ cd ./xslt/build/install/xslt/bin
$ ./xslt -r {$filesytem path to XML source file} -d {$output dir for transformed file}
$ ./xslt -r ~/IdeaProjects/metsmods2marc/xslt/src/test/resources/BntItin_021340072.xml -d /tmp/output-data
See example